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Nick Fury is the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Early Life
The eldest of three children, Nicholas Joseph Fury grew up in Depression-era New York City with his brother Jacob and sister Dawn. Fury's mother died while he was very young and his father Jack Fury, an American pilot who joined the British war effort during World War I, remarried and the children were raised by his stepmother in lieu of Jack Fury's own early death.[16] It wouldn't be until Nick Fury became a soldier himself overseas that he would learn of his father's military service.[17] Living in the tough streets of Hell's Kitchen, Fury soon became fast friends with Red Hargrove,[18] whom he helped keep out of trouble. Fury himself was no stranger to trouble, but more than often confined it to the boxing ring where he would bout, or in the Police Athletic League where he became one of the finest marksman.[19]
Nick Fury and Hargrove caught the eye of Lt. "Happy Sam" Sawyer who enlisted them for a special mission in Holland. On this mission Fury made the acquaintance of his future life-long friend, the circus strongman Timothy "Dum Dum" Dugan.[20] Seeing the Nazi menace firsthand, Hargrove was moved to say he would enlist, and Fury said he would follow him. However Fury didn't enlist until 1941, where he received nine weeks of basic training at Fort Dix without Red Hargrove, hoping to ride out the wave of unemployment in the States.[21] Eventually Fury reunited with Hargrove, both getting stationed at Pearl Harbor.[20]
Following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Fury was spurred on by the death of Hargrove during the attack to join the U.S. Rangers,[18] and was eventually recruited and reunited with Captain Sawyer who assigned him command of the First Attack Squad; aka the "Howling Commandos," a specially-trained band of soldiers who undertook some of the most dangerous missions of the war. Together with Dum Dum Dugan as his second in command, Fury led Gabe Jones, Robert "Reb" Ralston, Dino Manelli, Izzy Cohen and Jonathan Juniper, as well as their later additions Percival Pinkerton and Eric Koenig against the likes of Red Skull, Baron Heinrich Zemo,[22] and other Axis villains, fighting alongside such war heroes as Captain America and Bucky.[23] As leader of the Howling Commandos, Fury struck blow after blow against the Nazis and their allies through missions that ranged from deep infiltration missions behind enemy lines to undercover work and even some home front action. It was during one of these missions that he first met John Richards, the grandfather of Reed Richards, who would go on to become Mister Fantastic, leader of the Fantastic Four.
During the war, Fury also first crossed paths with his most dangerous foe, Baron Wolfgang Von Strucker.[25] Strucker's humiliating defeats at the hands of Fury would drive Strucker to devote a lifetime seeking revenge.[26] Among the formative events during this period of his life included the friendships made with Dum Dum Dugan and Gabe Jones (both of whom would follow him into S.H.I.E.L.D.), and fighting alongside fellow war hero Captain America. Also during the war, Fury met Lady Pamela Hawley,[27] who would become his first (and some say only true) love. Tragically she died before Fury was able to propose marriage to her. During his relationship with Hawley, they crossed paths with Doctor Strange in a taste of his future strange and extraordinary adventures.[28] During the war Fury and his Commandos faced super-powered menaces that included vampires[29] and other-dimensional beings.
For most soldiers, after V-J Day the war was over it was time to go home and live a normal life again. This was not the case for Nick Fury. Following a number of "mop-up" missions with the Howlers, Sgt. Fury was reassigned and left his wartime comrades behind in France, heading for Okinawa. His skills were quickly put to use with the growing intelligence community. The Office of Strategic Services had recognized Fury's potential during the war, using him for a few missions into German-occupied France, and based on this he was officially recruited by Colonel Tom Lynaugh in 1954. He was flown to Langley where he began training as an agent for the Central Intelligence Agency, serving through till his appointment to S.H.I.E.L.D..[35]
During these cloak & dagger years, Fury saw action in the Korean War, briefly reuniting with some of the former Howling Commandos who reenlisted. On one particular mission, the Howlers joined Fury and Colonel "Happy" Sam Sawyer for a covert mission to destroy a MIG airbase, a mission that earned Fury a long-deserved brevet field commission to Second Lieutenant.[36] Fury also became involved in fighting Communist Chinese forces, and was promoted to the rank of Colonel during his time with the C.I.A.[37]
Within the last 30-35 years, Nick Fury recruited Richard Parker into the CIA.
todo: add in his history with shield
In December of 1998 in South East Asia, an entire forest disapeared overnight. Nick Fury was called in to investigate. This would lead him down a massive rabbit hole of communist conspiracies involving the remnants of HYDRA and the Soviet Union. He called in as much help as he could, feeling whatever was going on, the threat was too great from him to tackle on his own. His first call was to Ghost Detective.
Nick Fury and his gathered group of heroes would face off against all kinds of foes all over Asia, but thankfully eventually restored the forest to its natural existance, but not before facing down Fin Fang Foom.
A Second 9/11
In September of 2002, HYDRA launched a plan to commit a second 9/11. This plan was picked up by Nick Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D. He wasn't quite sure what it was at the time, but he knew the country could not handle a second 9/11 just a year after the first. He called upon one of his most trusted allies, Ghost Detective, to aid him in stopping the terrorist plot.
The pair eventually found that HYDRA planned on utilizing rockets to launch the Empire State Building into Air Force One.
They stopped this from happening, saving the world from utter destruction in the wake of America's assured collapse if it actually happened.