parent nodes: Avengers | Avengers Charter | Bucky Barnes | Captain America | Clint Barton | EarliestDigitalTimelineDoc | Millennia Magazine | Nick Fury | Recommended Reading | Road to Infinity 11 | Scrapped Ideas and Design Document | SinglePageTimeline | Steve Rogers | Where Every Hero is At | Year2013 | Year2015 | Year2017

During the dark days of the early 1940s, a covert U.S. Military experiment turned Steve Rogers into America's first Super-Soldier, Captain America. Throughout the war, Cap and his partner, Bucky fought alongside infantry and with a group of heroes known as the Invaders. In the closing months of World War II, Captain America was both presumed dead in an explosion. Decades later, Captain America was found trapped in ice and revived in the modern world. Captain America would then later go on to be one of the most important members of the Avengers as well as a leader of the team.