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January 1st 2020
Hiroshi runs to the Xavier Institute, but stops to take a phone call from Tony Stark, who tells him shit has hit the fan, and Captain America has been arressted, and a deferal agent was dead after him and his teammates tried to intercept a holding facility transfer in the wake of the prison break. Hiroshi argues with Tony some, and then hangs up.
Once at the mansion, he learns that Erik is really mad. Logan is waiting outside, and explains the situation to him more, and says he's outside as when Erik's mad, it makes his bones vibrate.
Rahne pops out and explains to Hiroshi about how Lorna ran off, and maybe went to the city. Hiroshi has Rahne call Lorna, who tells them her and Bandura's location.
Hiroshi runs Bandura and Lorna to the mansion.
They three of them go to Erik's office where he is yelling at Charles about the whole Florida situation.
Bandura talks him down some, about how the mission is more important than all this, and such.
Xavier continues to argue that if they continue to project their status as model citizens, that they can go through the proper channels to fix the situation.
Hiroshi calls the president, and his secretary picks up. She connects him with the vice president, Bernie Sanders, who tells him that while he cannot authorize or officially condone an attack like that, super heroes often attack coporations doing apparently evil things, and they can figure something out.
Hiroshi informs the group of this, and Erik talks to Lorna some, telling her "I wish Destiny was not so cruel to you and I," and then leaves for Florida.
Thomas Anderson authorizes the X-Men to attack the Alkali holding facilities.
They do so.
The New Mutants work out a plan to house the displaced persons, and the following day Erik and Hiroshi and some others work to clear and prep land.
January 2nd-8th
Lorna brings Bandura back to New York City, where they talk some about Hiroshi, and whats next for Bandura. Doing a bit of a read on Lorna, and knowing she didn't really want to stay at the Xavier Institute, Bandura mentions that he is going to be in need of a partner once Hiroshi leaves to space. And since Hiroshi was basically a taxi for him, that he was going to need a way to get around. Lorna says that she could probably do that.
Doctor Fallow is informed by Doctor Strange that he will be his emmissary on the mission.
January 9th 2020
The mission launches...
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