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Born in 1986, Doctor Mark Fallow grew up in Green Oak, Michigan to Mary and Roger Fallow. Mark's mother was a stay at home mom and his father worked in a Ford factory. There was nothing particularly notable about Mark's upbringing beyond, he did well in school but didn't have many friends. He often spend days reading about mythology or daydreaming of the future. Mark also has an older sister, Maria, and a younger brother, Roger Jr. otherwise known as RJ.
Mark eventually graduated Harvard Undergrad in 2008 with a Bachelor's of History and then went on to get his Doctorate in Archaeology from UMass Amherst in 2012. Around this time Mark dreamed of becoming more than himself and joining the ranks of the other public super heroes that existed during this time. Mark was obsessed with discovering a magical artifact in order to enhance his abilities and assist in fighting against he new dangers that threatened the world.
Finally, in 2014 Mark Fallow discovered "The Perihelion Helm" which gave him enhanced mental capabilities, making him more alert and aware. For the next two years Dr. Fallow continued to search the Earth for legendary artifacts to aid him in his quest, slowly acquiring more and more. Eventually, in 2016 he was approached by a group of mystic sorcerer's who enlisted him into the ranks of the "Masters of the Mystic Arts".
Since 2016, Dr. Fallow has been assisting his fellow sorcerer's in various magical activities and was taken up by Dr. Strange as a special apprentice in late 2017. So far, Mark has been weary and a tad jealous of how quickly Illyana Rasputin has gained the favor of his master.