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Infinity Quest Issue 2

Captain Marvel stops by and gives her number to our heroes so they can contact her if needed. Doctor Fallow asks her about her allegiance, and she doesn't quite get what he's asking, and says shes a galactic peacekeeper of sorts.

Our heroes head to Noyar. They head out into the city in search of Starlord Incorporated.

On the way their, they must head through a bazaar, where they meet an old hag, who tells them she can feel the reverberations of the strings of destiny. Hiroshi and Doctor Fallow agreed to have their fortunes looked upon by this woman. She took them into her tent, and conjured smoke around as she peered into possible adjacent and related realities to them.

They first peered into a seemingly medieval fantasy world, where they saw an army amassed with three leaders, a man cloaked in shadows, a man with a lute, and a bearded man with a glowing sword opposite a city with a great spire with a three headed dragon wrapped around it. The hag dismissed that vision as it was clearly not related to them in any way.

The next vision she showed them was of an alternate Hiroshi, Doctor Fallow and Ultron confronting Thanos. Hiroshi and Ultron are killed by him, and he strips Doctor Fallow of his magical items. Doctor Fallow pleads before Thanos before the vision was dismissed.

The last vision showed was of a ruined Asgard, and of a possibly mind controlled Thor telling his brother Loki that he had to kill Odin.

Doctor Fallow called the hag a huckster, and they all left for Starlord Incorporated.

There they discussed with Starlord, and his team, and came to the eventual agreement that Starlord and his team will find Thanos, so long as they can claim him. Our heroes agree, then return to the ship. They then head for Asgard.

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