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Infinity Quest Issue 4

Doctor Fallow discusses with Hiroshi about stealing the infinity stones from Asgard. He doesn't want to.

Doctor Fallow thinks about who among the Postulants can wield the infinity stones. He concludes that Rachel and the Hulk are the two most likely to be able to safely posses and use them, with Steve Rogers being a possibility to maybe hold one or two. He is unsure of if the mutants would stand a better chance at holding them.

The Postulants return to their ship and have a team meeting. They discuss the possibilities. Hiroshi decides that they should steal the stones from asgard.

Kitty and Rachel are brought along to try to break into the vault. Rahne and Matt provide a distraction, while Doctor Fallow got them as close to the vault as possible, and made fakes of the stones. The plan went off seemingly without a hitch, and they returned to the ship with both infinity stones, one of them in Odin's pillowcase.

They decide to retun to Xandar to figure out future plans, but also to plot to steal the power stone. Tony and Bruce start to try to craft something to safely hold the power stones.

The Postulants lay their heads to sleep, but as they do so, in their last moments before sleep, they are engulfed in a green light.

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