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Mutants are superhuman beings that are born with a genetic mutation called an X-Gene that causes their bodies to develop abilities that regular humans, homo sapiens, are unable to. The majority of mutants develop these abilities, which vary from person to person, usually upon puberty, though there are some mutants who display powers and/or physical mutations from birth, or in their twenties. Some mutants even display abilities from within the womb and posthumously.

Mutant powers vary seemingly without limit. Examples of powers shared by many individuals include: telepathy, telekinesis, flight, energy projection, accelerated healing and enhanced physical strength, agility, or senses; all to variable limits. Mutation can also entail a minor to radical alteration in physical appearance from the normal human- wings, gills, a tail, fur, altered skin color, etc.

Mutant powers can grow and increase as the mutant grows and develops. Some powers remain latent until activated by severe stress, or remain unnoticed throughout the person's lifetime, while others are apparent immediately from birth. Some individuals have a secondary mutation which activates in adulthood. For some mutants, several years of self-discipline are needed before they can control their powers, while others never gain full control of their powers.

Mutants may be born to human or mutant parents, though the odds of a mutant birth are much better for the latter. Likewise, it is rare but possible for mutant parents to have human children.