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Danielle Moonstar is a teenage Native American (specifically, Cheyenne), and was born in Boulder, Colorado. As with most mutants, Dani's mutant powers manifested during puberty. One of her first manifestations is a vision of her parents' death, killed by a demonic bear.
A mutant, Moonstar originally possessed the psionic/psychic ability to telepathically create illusions of her opponents' fears or wishes. She later developed a wide range of psionic and energy manipulation powers. She also developed some magical abilities after a series of adventures in Asgard, where she would also become a Valkyrie.
Illusory Emotion Manifestation
She has the power to create three-dimensional images of certain visual concepts from thoughts and emotional impressions within the minds of herself and others. Originally, Moonstar could only create images of the objects of other people's greatest fears.[67] Later, she learned how to reach into another person's subconscious and project an image of the object of that person's "heart's desire."
Neural Arrows
She can focus her psionic powers into energy arrows which can stun an opponent by disrupting their central nervous system, or force them to relive a traumatic memory.
Moonstar can achieve a quasi-telepathic rapport with higher animals including primates (but not including human beings), members of the dog and cat families (including wolves and mountain lions, for example), and birds. She can sense their feelings, consciously perceive images in their minds, and even see through their eyes. However, since an animal's ability to conceptualize is highly limited, she was limited as to what she telepathically could learn from an animal.
This ability extends to Wolfsbane's lupine form. However, since Wolfsbane retains her human mind as a wolf, it was more difficult for Moonstar to sort out the mental impressions she received from her than it was for Moonstar to deal with those of a real wolf. Moonstar's telepathic rapport with Wolfsbane was originally sometimes painful to Moonstar because of this fact, but it stopped after a period of time.
Moonstar also has a quasi-telepathic rapport with her winged horse Brightwind; possibly Brightwind has psychic abilities of his own that made the rapport easier. Though highly intelligent, Brightwind has an animal's mind, so Moonstar can't communicate with him telepathically in quite the same way she can with Wolfsbane while she is in her lupine form.
Superhuman Strength and Durability
Being one of the shield maidens of Valhalla, Dani possessed the supernatural capabilities predominant in all Valkyrie's. Such as the typical Asgardian physical superiority; enabling her to challenge the likes of Ares in physical combat without fear of serious injury
Death Perception
As one of the Valkyrior Danielle has the natural ability to perceive and sense the coming of Death. She could perceive a "deathglow" surrounding a person who was in serious danger of dying. Moreover, Moonstar could perceive Death incarnate, in whatever form it took to claim the person with the deathglow. A person surrounded by the deathglow was in danger of death, but might still be saved from dying (until he or she met his or her inevitable end at some later time under different circumstances).
Mount Summoning
Through the unique brand of Odin-powered magic that the Valkyrie, Dani can call forth her celestial mount Brightwind to her wherever and whenever she pleases at will.