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Doug Ramsey alias Cypher is a Mutant with the cerebral ability to understand all languages, be it written or spoken on an unconscious level.[4] He was considered to be one of the weakest New Mutants due to his lack of offensive abilities. He was best friends with the alien Technarch shapeshifter Warlock, who he was able to merge with to go into battle.
Douglas Ramsey was a teenage friend of Kitty Pryde of the X-Men, sharing an interest in computers and video games. Although Ramsey became a friend of the New Mutants, he was unaware that he and they were mutants. However, when the techno-organic alien (Technarch) being Warlock arrived on Earth, confused and terrified, he found himself battling the New Mutants. Seeking to communicate with the alien, the New Mutants summoned Ramsey and revealed their costumed identities to him. Ramsey succeeded in initiating communications with Warlock, and both joined the New Mutants. Ramsey was code-named Cypher, after his ability to decipher languages.
Cypher became close with Warlock, who aided Ramsey in battle situations by merging with him, creating a single being that operated as a gestalt. When they merged, they took the form of Ramsey’s human body covered with Warlock's "living circuitry," allowing Ramsey to perceive his environment in the same way Warlock did. At first, Ramsey's and Warlock's consciousnesses remained separate within the single body; the more the pair merged, their personalities rapidly began to resemble one another's. Cypher also aided Warlock in his fight against his father, the Magus, by reprogramming the Magus to an infant state.
Omnilingual Translation
Cypher is a hyper-linguist,[49] and has a superhuman facility for translating any languages, spoken or written, human or alien in origin. His superhuman skill also extends to his great facility in deciphering codes and computer languages as well as understanding hidden intentions and body language. Cypher's skills are such that he was once able to make great headway in translating the written language of an extraterrestrial race in a matter of minutes. Cypher's mutant talent for translating differs from the translating ability that a human who is a genius in this field, yet not a mutant, possesses, even though both people might achieve the same results with any given translation problem. Cypher's mutant talent is an intuitive one which works on a subconscious level, whereas others will have to work out a translation consciously, step by step. Rather than working the problem out step by step, in his conscious mind, Cypher instead subconsciously solves the problem. Hence, Cypher can reach the correct solution by means that appear to be leaps of logic, and he himself may not have been consciously aware of the entire process by which he reaches the right answer.
Binary Code
He is capable of "speaking" binary; giving verbal commands in machine code that can reprogram the machine.
Doug is able to merge with the Technarch alien Warlock becoming "Douglock". When merged he has access to his Techno-Organic Shapeshifting powers. Warlock later formed into a sword for a weapon for combat.
Gifted intelligence
even without his powers, Doug possessed a gifted intellect. He is an expert in translating and designing computer software. He took university level courses in languages and computer science. Doug can hack some of the most protected computer systems.