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Born to a simple farm life in Russia, Piotr Rasputin (Russian: Пётр Распутин) was the younger brother of the famous cosmonaut Mikhail Rasputin. Gifted as an artist, Piotr was content with his simple life, until he was approached with a chance to change the world by Professor Charles Xavier. Since joining the X-Men as Colossus (Russian: Колосс), Piotr has been using his mutant power to turn to organic steel and gain superhuman strength to fight for the peaceful coexistence of mutants and humans most of his life. After his younger sister Illyana Rasputin was kidnapped, Piotr had her live with him until she was kidnapped again by the evil sorcerer Belasco, during which time she aged over ten years and returned as a sorceress.
Metal Mimicry
Colossus is a mutant with power to convert the tissues of his entire body into an organic metal substance that appears to be analogous to osmium and to carbon steel. He is able to transform into this armor-like state at will (the process is virtually instantaneous) and remain in that form for an as yet undetermined amount of time.[12] The longest time he has remained in armored form by choice so far has been five days. Once in his armored form he remains so until he consciously wills himself back to normal.[12] If he is rendered unconscious, however, he spontaneously reverts to his normal form.[111] While in the armored state, Colossus possesses the same degree of mobility that he does in his normal form, though his endurance and speed are enhanced. Colossus cannot become partially or selectively armored; his body is either entirely converted or not.
Superhuman Strength
After transforming into his armored state, Colossus possesses vast superhuman strength.
Superhuman Stamina
Also, while in armored form, Colossus' musculature produces considerably less fatigue toxins than the musculature of a normal human. At his peak, he can physically exert himself at peak capacity for several days before the buildup of fatigue toxins in his blood begins to impair him.
Superhuman Durability
In his armored form, Colossus has a high degree of imperviousness to injury.
Peak Human Speed
In his armored form, Colossus's speed is at the peak of human potential, enabling him to run 32-36 mph.
Expert Farmer
Skilled Painter
Peter is a talented artist adept in both sketching and painting,[12] once becoming very famous using the name Peter Nicholas while suffering from amnesia.
Colossus' metal skin is vulnerable to the anti-metal Vibranium
Colossus can be damaged when attacked by something made from or bonded with Adamantium (e.g. Wolverine's Adamantium-bonded claws).
Colossus needs to concentrate to transform into steel form. He was unable to do so when fatigued by heat.