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Infinitys End Issue 3

Our heroes go to space, and head to Xandar, where Rocket heads off to break into some bank accounts and buy them a ship.

Emma comments on how she doesn't want to go back to earth before they have to, and agrees when someone suggests that its because she doesn't want to run into this universe's version of herself, a powerful telepath. Bandura sees through this as a lie, and confronts her alone.

She confides in him that Charles Xavier isn't to be trusted. Bandura doesn't believe this, as Logan seems to trust him. Emma mentions the work that Hiroshi and Bandura did at the pentagon, implying she's the one that had Kitty ask them to do it. She then motions to Kitty Pryde(who is wearing Logan's leather jacket) off in the distance talking with Hiroshi and Rahne Sinclair, and says there are truly few people who Logan trusts in this world, Kitty is one of them. Bandura thinks on this a bit, and motions to Lorna Dayne, also in the distance, saying that he used to be a total lone wolf. However, he's found the value in working with others, in a team.

Rocket gets them ships, and they split up in the following ways, with plans to meet back up on Titan.
Bandura and Lorna head to the planet with the power stone that Peter Quill should be at.
Piotr Rasputin and Illyana Rasputin go to Vormir for the soul stone.
The rest head to Asgard, where they might possibly split up to half go to Asgard for the mind stone, and half go to a dark elf planet for the reality stone.

But, before they split, Will Jones asks everyone to put there hands together. Once they have done this, he declares "Avengers Assemble!"
And they go their seperate ways.

The group going to Asgard manage to talk their way into gaining some entry with the Asgardian flight control... Space control?
Hiroshi, Will and Kitty are beamed via the bifrost to Heimdall's chamber, where they explain their situation to him. He sees the truth in their situation, and brings them before Odin.
After a brief interuption by Thor, the three explain the circumstances of what has occured, including that they stole the infinity stones from Asgard in the future. Eventually, Odin gives them the scepter with the mind stone, if only to prevent the future death of his people.

On their way out, Heimdall beams the three to the dark elf world where the reality stone is. They get it, and Heimdall bifrosts them back to their ship. Rocket is upset about the damage to the ship, but they all head to Vormir.

Bandura and Lorna encounter Peter Quill dancing on his way to get the power stone. She uses her powers to throw a metal pipe at his head and knock him out.

On Vormir, Illyana and Piotr encounter The Guardian of the soul stone, who tells them there is a price to pay for it. To ensure that whoever possesses it understands its power, the stone demands a sacrifice. In order to take the stone, you must lose that which you love. Before Illyana can respond, Piotr understands clearly, delivering a powerful punch to knock her out. He sacrifices himself so she can obtain the stone.

They all assemble on Vormir. Hiroshi and Will head to earth. After some time of mourning, the rest of the Avengers return to their present. However, Ghost Detective is left for last, and he hears the voice of Lucifer in his ear. As his watch ticked closer to midnight yet again, a true choice would decide his fate, one forever in his contract unknown to him. Choose right, and perhaps the contract be fulfilled. He is then allowed to return to the present.

When Will and Hiroshi arrive on back on earth, a sling ring portal opens before them, and they step into it. They are in a room, and Doctor Strange greets them.

He explains a bit of stuff, and leads them into Charles Xavier's office. Confused, Will and Hiroshi begin to question why they are at the Xavier Institute.

Strange attempts to explain to them that since Charles is an ally, and is gonna be around in the time they will be traveling back to, that it only makes sense. Will and Hiroshi don't fully trust this, as Strange has already been a bit cagey. Xavier shows up and begins to try to assure them as well. They doubt further, and Reed Richards shows up. The duo of Avengers begins to go into panic mode. They catch Xavier in a lie, and in that moment, work together to steal the Eye of Agamotto from around Strange's neck, and use super speed to run away, down into Thomas Anderson's bullet train tunnels.

They run for a while, before stopping to discuss what the hell they are doing. They cannot open the eye and get the time stone. Xavier enters their minds, makes Hiroshi forget that he ever lied to them, and then appeared before them, asking them to come back. Will tries to convince Hiroshi that Xavier is lying to them, and eventually gets through to him. He tells them that it would take intense amounts of energy to open the Eye, otherwise they'll never break a wizard's seal on it. He says they'll overlook this action and forgive it. Hiroshi and Will run deeper into the tunnels, towards the Wolf Den, as they realize a solution to their problems. As they leave Xavier's telepathic range, they hear him comment about King T'Chaka being there as well.

At the Wolf Den, the duo encounters and knocks out Thomas Anderson. They then hook up one of his experimental Steel Wolf suit power sources to the Eye and manage to get it open. They then use the stone to go to 1965.

In 1965, they find themselves in the currently under construction bullet train tunnels. They hear the loud screeching of a rat, but choose to ignore it. They head to a S.H.I.E.L.D. building slightly north of New York City. There, they persuade a guard for a meeting with Nick Fury. At that meeting, they explain the stakes to him. He gives them the location of the tesseract, with the condition being that if they don't return it, he'll kill them in the future. They agree and go and retrieve the tesseract.

They return to the present, and rejoin with their team. They discuss with the Avengers, Johnny Storm, and Ben Grimm, what to do now that they have the stones. Illyana warns that using the stones to undo Thanos will cause the holes they left in the timeline to attempt to heal, the past as it is known will change due to their actions, unbeknownst to them.

Its decided that Ben should be the one to try to bring everyone back, being sturdy and born of cosmic rays in a way. He agrees, and uses the infinity chest piece and the stones. With a flash and pulse of energy, and the rumble of thunder, it seems half the universe is restored. The chestpiece crumbles, and the stones clatter to the ground. Ben staggers back, alive, but his stone body cracked and burnt from the effort.

A portal opens, and Doctor Strange steps through into the warehouse where everyone is gathered, his cloak now replace with the flames of the Phoenix. He demands that Hiroshi give him the stones. He elaborates that the damage they did to the timeline by so brazenly traveling through time in a universe where the laws of time were suspended has done irrepairable damage, and that he and his allies need to use the stones to fix it. He also brings Reed Richards and Charles Xavier to him via portals. They attempt to talk down the Avengers. Bandura approaches Reed, and questions him. He questions why Reed had a cure for him in 2014 and never said anything before he sent him to the future. He uses his Baleful Eye to see if Reed was a Sinner. To Bandura's anguish, hands reached forth from hell to begin to pull Reed down, all while Reed attempted to dissuade Bandura from his course of action.

Hiroshi reaches for the stones wanting to get them contained and get them to Kitty. Xavier attempts to nullify his superspeed, but is mentally countered by Emma Frost. Hiroshi gathers the stones and gets them to Kitty Pryde, telling her to run.

The Avengers ready themselves for a fight against the trio.

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