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(This article is about Emma Frost from Universe 3237m. For the now dead Emma from Universe 3237, see Emma Frost 3237)
Emma Grace Frost, also known to some as the White Queen of the Hellfire Club, is a woman without a homeworld. Born in the alernate world created by the Scarlet Witch on M-Day, Emma Frost somehow ended up on Earth-3237 afterwards, where she went to the Xavier Institute for help, having been the headmaster of it in her world. She would strike up some kind of relationship with Scott Summers as he mourns the passing of Jean Grey. She also took up Emma Frost's position as White Queen of the Hellfire Club.
Emma Frost possesses telepathic abilities of a similar caliber to those of Charles Xavier, over which she had an extremely refined level of skill. Frost has been cited as a "World-class telepath"
Emma has displayed the telepathic standards of broadcasting and receiving thoughts, mind-control,[201] altering perceptions and memories, projection of offensive blasts of Psionic energy causing mental pain or unconsciousness, astral projection and brain engram modification.
Psionic Shield
Emma can erect a psychic shield for protection of herself and other minds she is immune or highly resistant to any/all mental intrusion, including psychic or empathic powers, hypnosis, illusions, deception, etc.
Telepathic and Mind Cloaking
Emma can telepathically mask her presence and the use of her abilities from being detected by other mutants and psychic entities. These defenses can be extended to others around them as well. Cloaking via telepathy is not perfect and powerful telepathic mutants may notice and 'see' through this ability. Also including the ability to rearrange the mental engrams of mutants so her distinctive mutant thought patterns cannot be detected by Cerebro-type devises or by other telepaths.
Emma can create realistic telepathic illusions and cause people to experience events which are not actually occurring.[199] These illusions can also be used to help others fight against pain or simply surround them with more pleasant environments.
Absorb Information
Emma can quickly process and store information, by mental transference.[53]
Download Information
Emma can place large amounts of information in another's mind.
Astral Projection
Emma can project one's astral form from their body onto astral planes or the physical planes. In the physical plane, one can travel in astral form over vast distances.
Power Negation
Emma can place "psychic inhibitors" in the minds of mutant adversaries to prevent them from using their powers.
Pain Inducement
Emma can induce mental pain telepathically.
Heal Trauma
Emma can erase a person’s memories and to heal mental trauma through "psychic surgery", the power to stimulate or deaden the pain and pleasure centers in a person's brain.[71]
Intuitive Multilingualism
Emma can intuitively translate and understand any language.[1]
Mind Control
The ability to control the thoughts and actions of others.
Mind Link
Emma can develop a mental link with one person or a number of people.[
Emma can induce temporary mental or physical paralysis.
Mental Sedation
Emma can telepathically "sedate" one's victims so that, if already rendered unconscious, they remain so for as long as a telepath continues to "sedate" them.
Mind Alteration
Emma can alter the minds of others by force of will, changing their personality partially or entirely. This can also be used to implant subconscious thoughts like unexplained aversion to certain words or ideas.
Memory Erasure
Emma can cause loss of particular memories or total amnesia in another person or group of people.
Telepathic Detection
Emma can sense the presence of another person, mutant or not, within a small but as yet undefined radius of oneself by perceiving the distinctive mental radiations emitted by such a being.
Telepathic Tracking
Enhanced Psionic senses enable Emma to track other sentient beings by their unique Psionic emanations.
Psionic Blasts: Emma can project Psionic force bolts or blast waves which can do damage on either a physical or mental level and which can affect a victim's mind so as to cause the victim pain or unconsciousness. Emma has been shown to use this ability as a reflexive response to a physical attack, resulting in the aggressor being thrown across the room.
Psionic Lightning
Emma can channel the ambient Psionic energy in the air through a target having a physical effect. She used this ability once against M, knocking her out.
Organic Diamond Form
As a result of undergoing a body-wide Secondary Mutation, Frost possesses the ability to transform her body into a flexible organic diamond form. In many ways, this is similar to Colossus' organic steel form. She must transform all parts of her body, rather than selectively transforming certain areas and can remain in this form for an undetermined amount of time. If she is rendered unconscious, Frost's body will automatically transform into its normal state. This transformation also alters Frost's personality, causing her to become rather cold-hearted and to lose her empathy for others. Emma does not have access to her telepathy while in her diamond form,[219] although she could during her first time after her Secondary Mutation.
Superhuman Strength
In her diamond form, Frost's physical strength is increased to superhuman levels. At her peak, she is able to lift approximately 2 tons.
Superhuman Stamina
While transformed, her muscles produce almost no fatigue toxins during physical activity, granting her almost limitless superhuman stamina, or at least until or unless she is forced to resume her normal state.[19]
Superhuman Durability
Frost's diamond form renders her highly resistant to most forms of physical injury. She is able to resist great impact forces, such as being repeatedly struck with superhuman force, without being injured. She has withstood being zapped by Young Cyclops' optic blast, blows from Hulk, and blasts from the Dreaming Celestial. Despite the Celestial's blast breaking her arm off, this showed an incredibly powerful upper limit to Emma's powers, as a Juggernaut powered Colossus was hit by the same blast and was sent flying across the city with a hole through his chest. Her body is also resistant to temperature extremes, able to withstand temperatures as cold as -390 degrees Fahrenheit or as hot as approximately 7362 degrees Fahrenheit before her form begins to melt. Frost is also self-sustained while transformed, requiring no food or water.
Telepathic Immunity
Emma has shown to be immune to other telepathic powers in her diamond form, but in turn, she is unable to use her own telepathic powers until she turns back.