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Rahne Sinclair, also known as Wolfsbane, is a mutant, who can shapeshift into a wolf or a humanoid wolf.
Rahne Sinclair was born in Scotland and was delivered by Dr. Moira MacTaggert, who is the daughter of the powerful Scots Lord Kinross and is the close friend and professional associate of Professor Charles Xavier, founder of the team of mutant X-Men. An orphan, Sinclair was raised by the stern minister Reverend Craig, but she was befriended by MacTaggert, whose ward she became.
Sinclair's mutant power, which enables her to transform herself into a wolf-like being, emerged at puberty. One night when Sinclair was fourteen, she fled in wolf form from a mob led by Reverend Craig, who believed her to be possessed by the devil. One member of the mob shot at Sinclair, inflicting a flesh wound. In wolf form Sinclair ran past MacTaggert, fell, and reverted to human form before her eyes. Recognizing Sinclair, MacTaggert took her under her protection, saving her from the mob.
MacTaggert brought Sinclair to the Xavier Institute in America.
Much like the werewolves of folklore, Rahne can transform into a wolf. However, she is not a werewolf, and therefore is not restricted to the limitations of a creature of the night. She can also retain full memory of herself, and therefore has her human consciousness while in her wolf and transitional forms. In her transitional form she is able to stand erect on her legs and retain the use of her hands, but is also able to run and maneuver on all fours like a wolf. Other effects of her wolf and/or transitional forms include:
Enhanced Size
Proportionately greater in size than that of her human form, her hybrid wolf-human bones and muscles make Wolfsbane taller and stronger. This form also has a higher weight and mass than her human form. After further artificial mutation induced on Genosha, Rahne could reach a height of roughly 8 feet and a weight of over 400 lbs. in her transitional form, and roughly 12 feet (when standing on her hind legs) and a weight of over 1000 lbs. in her full lupine form.
Enhanced Strength
Greater strength than that of a normal male adult human, due to her enhanced muscular build.
Enhanced Speed
Enhanced muscles are swift as a wolf but to the proportional size of a human.
Enhanced Reflexes
Although enhanced her muscles and skeleton are also extremely flexible, giving her the agility of an animal.
Hyper-Keen Senses
Keen animal senses of sight, smell & hearing combined with human intelligence are heightened further than that of a regular wolf. She can perceive infrared, ultra violet, heat, pheromones & emotions such as fear or lust.
Claws & Fangs
In her half & full wolf form, Rahne possesses sharpened nails along with pronounced canines with which to rip and tear through most substances.
Regenerative Healing Factor
Wolfsbane is capable of regenerating damaged or destroyed areas of her body with much greater speed and efficiency than an ordinary human. Injuries that result in massive tissue damage such as bullet wounds, slashes, punctures, blunt force trauma, and severe burns heal completely, without so much as a scar, in a shorter amount of time.
Enhanced Vision
Although not an ability possessed by natural wolves, in her lupine form, Wolfsbane is able to see into the infrared and ultraviolet portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. By viewing the heat signatures of human beings, she is able to detect a person's emotional state and also determine if a person is lying.
Psychic Rapport
In lupine form, Rahne had an empathic link with Danielle Moonstar.