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Walter Kane, now know only by the alias BANDURA, is an agent of Lucifer and Hell, brining justice to the wicked and punishing those who deserve it. He exists now only as a judge, jury, and executioner for his eternal master.
However, before he was Bandura, he was Walter Kane a [New Orleans] detective. Walter was skilled at his job, almost too skilled as a matter of fact. His wife always told him he needed to work less but his drive to solve crimes and put criminals behind bars tickled him in a way that very few other things could. Looking back on it now Walter can tell he was taking out his rage built up from years of abuse at the hands of his family growing up in the 1950s. He could never quite live up to his father's expectations, but that was no reason to take it out on his wife Maggie so he took it out the only way he knew how: on street scum.
Regardless, in 1989 his past came back to haunt him and his time on this Earth was cut short when he was killed by some of the very street scum he was trying to put away. However, Lucifer saw that Walter Kane was too angry to die and offered him a choice to be his eternal servant and delay giving his soul over to the devil because they both knew that was where Walter was going to end up. So, Walter took his deal and then proceeded to take vengeance on the men who killed him. Once Walter got his vengeance he was going to visit his family he had left behind. However, Walter observed them from a distance and determined it wouldn't be right to expose them to the thing that he had become. From that day forward he would refer to himself only as Bandura.
For the next 24 years, Bandura traveled the globe looking for people to punish in the name of Lucifer. He met many various individuals during this time, making him the well connected and expert paranormal investigator he is today. He has had quite a few adventures with members of S.H.I.E.L.D., Agents of the Sanctum Sanctorum, the Fantastic Four, and his old trusted pal Logan.
However, after Daredevil's spontaneous murder Reed Richards reached out to Bandura to send him into the future to help solve the case as soon as possible, for fear Richards would be the next to die. Reed knew that Bandura could not die by natural causes so he could have Bandura solve the case and wait for a backwards time machine to be created so that he may travel back to the exact moment he left in order to give Reed the information he needed, and prevent the death of a countless number of much needed heroes.
In December 1998, Ghost Detective was called in by Nick Fury to aid him in locating the Disappearing Forest. It is during the events of this case that he had a run-in with HYDRA weapon the Winter Soldier.
In September of 2002, Ghost Detective and Nick Fury foiled a HYDRA plot to commit a second 9/11.
In 2012, Ghost Detective shot a pregnant woman in the fetus to save the world from a hellspawn.
Hell Pistols
Ranged Damage
Descriptors: Hell, Magic, Evil, Demons, Fire
Bandura can summon his flaming hell pistols in his hands a moments notice to shoot at anyone threatening him
The Baleful Eye
Affliction (Resisted by Will, Dazed/Stunned/Incapacitated) , Concentration +1 PP per rank, Limited to only effecting sinners -1 PP per rank, Descriptors: Hell, Magic, Evil, Demons
Bandura has the ability to look into someone's eyes and see directly into their soul. Should they be deemed a sinner they become increasingly less and less mentally aware until ultimately they are dragged to hell. In initial conditions the sinner will be haunted by increasingly graphic images of their eternal damnation. Should they be succumb fully to the Baleful Eye's influence then they will become completely incapacitated until their death, their body slowly dying from the hellish reality they will soon face.
I Speak for the Dead
Comprehend (Spirits)
Descriptors: Hell, Magic, Evil, Demons
Bandura can communicate to ghosts, demons, and all sorts of spirts. Lucifer has gifted (or cursed him) with the ability to speak with those that have passed. Easy for helping solve mysteries, but a burden
The Devil's Tounge
Comprehend (Languages)
Descriptors: Hell, Magic, Evil, Demons
Bandura has the ability to read and speak any language of intelligent creatures. Lucifer needs his agents to be able to strike fear through all language barriers and find those who he has claimants on. Anyone able to hear Bandura can understand what he is saying, regardless of language.
The Devil's Sight
Senses, Sight, Subtle, Alternate Effect, Linked
(Counters Concealment 5 Ranks)
Alternate Effects: Accurate, Counters Illusion, Darkvision
Descriptors: Hell, Magic, Evil, Demons
Bandura can use his eyes to observe the surroundings around him and see the world as it truly is. Everything is truly open to him when he uses his devil sight
Sins of the Past
Senses (Postcognition)
Descriptors: Hell, Magic, Evil, Demons
Bandura can use his vision to observe previous events that have taken place. His eyes scan his surroundings and he can view the visions of the past. While using this sight his eyes glow a bright red
One Foot in the Grave
Immunity (Aging, Disease, Poison, Suffocation Effects, Cold)
Descriptors: Hell, Magic, Evil, Demons, Undead
Bandura is a man who has already died once so some things do not effect him. Mainly this is many effects that hurt his physical body
30 Seconds to Midnight
Immortality, Uncontrolled -1 PP Per rank
Descriptors: Hell, Magic, Evil, Demons
Bandura will revive after 30 minutes of being dead, being brought back to life once again by his evil masters. However, Bandura does have an expiration date on his life. He carriers around a pocket watch with him and should it ever strike midnight he will be dead forever and Lucifer will take his soul for good
Dead Man Walking
Descriptors: Hell, Magic, Evil, Demons
Bandura fully appears as a dead man, explaining his bandages and overall rough exterior. Taking the ugly and horrid form of a rotten corpse has plenty of disadvantages, but sometimes assists him in his investigations
Visions of an Altered Future
Senses (Precoginition 4 PP/Rank, -1 PP/Rank Uncontrolled)
Bandura has begun to have mild hallucinations because he has been sent into the future. An unintended side effect of Reed Richards catapulting him into the future has left his brain rattled with occasionally glimpses into possible futures, however they are seemingly random and out of his control.