parent nodes: Ghost Detective

Ghost Detective and the Case of the Sacred Life

In 2012, Ghost Detective followed a lead regarding the possibility of a hellspawn being birthed in New York City. For this case, he teamed up with the devil of Hell's Kitchen, Daredevil.

It took them a while to find the woman impregnated with it, but as soon as they did, Bandura shot her, instantly killing the growing hellspawn fetus inside of her, as Daredevil cried out in anguish. The woman would survive.

Later, Daredevil would confront Bandura, saying "as a Christian, all life is precious." Bandura gets angry, as he thinks that by terminating the demon fetus, he saved the life of the woman and the world, but no one seems to see things his way. Everyone he runs into tells him about how he should have given the demon hellspawn a chance to be born, maybe it would have grown up to not destroy the world. This makes no sense to Bandura and he eventually climbs a building to brood while overlooking the city.

A year later, he would ask Reed Richards, the smartest man in the world in Bandura's eyes, what he thought of it. Reed Richards would tell Bandura that there is sacredness in all life, however if the mere bith of the hell child was to cause the death of the world, then its a good thing that he stopped that from happening.