parent nodes: MarvelWiki

Player Character Motivations Complications

Hiroshi Matsumoto

Hero of Justice

Hiroshi works to ensure the safety of the world he lives in, striving to help others

Family Corruption

Hiroshi's father was a head of Hydra and his actions have had long lasting effects on Hiroshi and his family

Member of the Avengers

Sometimes is called upon to represent Avengers and is supposed to uphold values of the team as well as not to anything to put them in a negative light.

Ghost Detective

A Man out of Time

Bandura is from 2014, sent to the present day by Reed Richards to solve Daredevil's murder. Perhaps he will find what he is looking for, perhaps not. But regardless, some of the events that have occurred in the past years leave him dazed and confused.

Satan in a Bottle

Bandura's past and previous actions are quite troublesome to him, because of this he has some addictions to various substances that sometimes get a hold of him. This has been particularly bad since he has become a servant of Lucifer

Walter Kane: Late Father and Loving Husband

Bandura once long ago had a previous life as Walter Kane, a New Orleans Detective. He was killed in 1989 by the hands of some gangland criminals looking for revenge. He left behind his 5 year old son Bobby, his 1 year old daughter Emily, and his wife Maggie. Since then he has not visited his family, for fear of them hating what he has become

The Devil's Executioner

When Bandura originally died he was revived to life by Lucifer, making him an agent of his to solve crimes and bring sinners to hell on his behalf. Lucifer mostly allows Bandura to operate with a long leash, but sometimes his dark master's problems become his own

Guardian of Chaos

Bandura believes there exists a thin line between society and utter damnation and it is his job to enforce that barrier. He does what needs to be done to protect the innocent and punish the wicked.

Doctor Fallow

Apprentice of Dr. Strange

Dr. Fallow is an apprentice of Dr. Strange, which comes with various responsibilities and issues

Master of Archaeology

Dr. Fallow is an expert in his field as an archaeologist and has a strong passion for understanding the mystical realm

Lonely is he who walks the path of the righteous

Being dedicated to his studies takes a toll on Mark, he doesn't have much time for others in his life because he is so enthralled with his work

No one cared who I was until I put on the mask

Dr. Fallow's natural abilities are quite weak in comparison to some other heroes considering most of his powers come from the magical artifacts he has gathered throughout the years

Pride goes before destruction, and haughtiness before a fall

Mark sometimes can get caught up in his persona and think himself better than those around him, despite not always being correct