parent nodes: A.I.M. | Avengers Incident | Black Gold | Bucky Barnes | EarliestDigitalTimelineDoc | fakepage | Ghost Detective | Ghost Detective nine eleven two | HYDRA | HYDRA Insurrection | Infinity Quest Issue 3 | Kurtis Rowan | Nick Fury | Organizations | PlayerCharacterMotivationsComplications | Red Skull | Road to Infinity 12 | Sam Wilson | Scrapped Ideas and Design Document | Sean OLeary | Selina Muurd | SinglePageTimeline | Team Metal | The Case of the Disappearing Forest | The Ultron Legion | Walter Muurd | Where Every Hero is At | Winter Soldier Program | Year2015 | Year2017 | Year2019


There is no terrorist organization more malevolent, nor influential, than Hydra. Having some of the most evil villains in history among its ranks, Hydra has been wreaking havoc around the globe since World War II.

todo: make this an actual page lmao