parent nodes: Bobby DeCosta | Hiroshi Matsumoto | Organizations | Road to Infinity 6


AIM (Advanced Idea Mechanics) is an organuzation of brilliant scientists and their hirelings dedicated to the acquisition of power and the overthrow of all governments by technological means.

AIM began as a group of scientists organized during World War II by Baron Wolfgang von Strucker to develop advanced technologicalweaponry for his secret subversive organization HYDRA. Altough HYDRA suffered a major defeat during the war, it continued to exist secretly over the following decades, growing and building its strength. The group of scientists grew number over the years, and made great advances in various fields, including robotics, bioengineering, bionics, and physics. Eventually the scientists publicly incorporated their organization under the name of Advance Idea Mechanics (AIM). No one outside AIM or HYDRA knew of AIM's subversive goals and activities, nor of their scientific achievements, nor the fact that AIM was actually the scientific research division of HYDRA. (Indeed, HYDRA's very existance remained unknown for most of this time.) Instead, AIM was beleived by both the public and by intelligence organizations to be an international cartel dealing with the development and marketing of new technological products. AIM gained great influence with the U.S. government in its role as a supplier of hardware and weapon to governmental and quasi-governmental agencies.