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January 8th 2020
The heroes gather at S.H.I.E.L.D. HQ to be briefed on the mission.
They are.
Ghost Detective invites Hiroshi out to lunch. Lorna Dayne accompanies them. Bandura wishes Hiroshi luck on the mission.
Hiroshi goes to Japan to say farewell to his family's caretaker, who wishes him well on the mission and tells him to say goodbye to his sister. Hiroshi departs and goes to say goodbye to his sister. They two have a tense talk that lightens up, and spend much of the remaining day talking before Hiroshi heads to bed.
January 9th 2020
In the morning, everyone except for Nick Fury gathers at S.H.I.E.L.D. HQ once more, this time on a landing pad with a modified Quinjet. Kitty Pryde kisses Illyana goodbye, much to the disgust of Doctor Fallow. But its not because of the gay, thats totally fine with him, he just hates Illyana.
Their bags are loaded on to the Quinjet. Anyone who knows Bandura says goodbye to him. The quinjet departs for a S.W.O.R.D. space station.
Bandura has visions of possible futures, seeing hundreds of dead bodies, a figure with a golden glove, a dead army being loaded in caskets, and flashes of most of the people he has met over the last few weeks.
Nick Fury interrupts these visions to tell Bandura he has a case for him, and hands him a folder. Inside are schematics for some device from HYDRA, as well as a picture of the twin towers with the word "TARGET??" written on it. Nick Fury confirms Bandura's fears that there may be a 9/11 3 on the horizon being performed by HYDRA remnants.
The heroes arrive at a SWORD space station, and a sheparded to another vessel docked there, this one being the one they will take to Xandar and beyond. They load their stuff into it, and are assigned bunks, and take off.
Doctor Fallow goes to sleep and astral projects to the outside of the ship to watch as they leave.
Kitty sticks her head outside of the ship to freak Hiroshi out, then drinks a beer, as thats what Logan would always do when they launched a mission to space.
They continue to head toward the edge of the solar system.
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