parent nodes: Asgard | Genosha | HYDRA Insurrection | Loki | Recommended Reading | Scrapped Ideas and Design Document | The Ultron Legion | TimeLine


This year would bring about the highest count of civilian casualties as a result of super powered happenings.

The winter was a harsh one, especially in the northeast, and the snow piled up record amounts. Despite this, anti NYPD protests would begin to happen on a daily basis. These were most commonly met with police force and aggression.

The tensions would boil over in NYC one day when the power went out across most of the city. It happened quickly, and before anyone really knew, the whole city seemed to be at war. Anti-police protests were not just met by riot shields and tear gas, but bullets. The protesters were not unprepared, however, and would fire back. It would come to light after the dust had settled, that it was a massive terrorist attack perpetrated by HYDRA, which had hands in all sides of the conflict. It was supposed to be the launching point of a terrorist war on America. They had blown all ways out of the city, leaving few options for evacuation.

This was all prevented by the Avengers duo known as Team Metal. Together they took down the heads of HYDRA as rapidly as they could, quickly grinding the organization to a halt. The final part of their quest brought them to Japan, leaving the rest of the Avengers to handle the full scale assault on New York.

Thankfully, a reformed team of HYDRA created synthetic life forms, The Ultron Legion, arrived and aided the Avengers in putting down the HYDRA forces.

A day later, as the Avengers discussed a plan of action, tired from their victory over HYDRA, a wormhole opened in the sky over New York. Out of it, began to pour troops for an alien invasion of the world. Aided by Thor, the God of Thunder, the Avengers put a stop to the invasion, but not without losses. With no easy evacuation routes, countless died or were injured. While no one can tell how many were from which event, the death toll for the previous two days reached over 800,000.

The dust had not yet settled before the Avengers got to work helping the people of New York City rebuild.

A special council would be formed to help mend the hole left in the American government after the collapse of HYDRA.

After all was said and done, the world knew it needed the Avengers. However, in private, many members began to grow uncertain over whether or not they were fit to defend the world.

By March, Team Metal would help form a short-lived team up between the X-Men and the Avengers. This partnership would end in the face of growing public concern over mutants, as a result of a Mutant leveling a huge section of Detroit.

In early April, the Avengers and some former members of the X-men took down Magneto, the perpetrator of the Detroit attack. This however was overshadowed by the mishandling of a situation by the Avenger’s team The New Warriors. Their neglect and overconfidence in the apprehension of the super powered villain, Nitro, lead to their deaths, the death of Nitro, and the death of nearly 600 people, including 60 children, in Stamford, Connecticut. This shifted legislative focus from mutants, to the Avengers and superheroes as a whole.

In June, the special council for rebuilding the US government announced that special elections would be held that year, to reelect every position that was left vacant in HYDRA’s wake. Due to the absolute infiltration of the chain of command, this would leave the presidency open for the right candidate.

One day later, founding member of the Avengers, Thomas Anderson, aka the SteelWolf, would announce his bid for president of the United States of America.

Quicksilver vanishes in a blur, saving thousands of civilians from a bomb.

On November 5th, Thomas Anderson was elected president of the United States.

A day later, after a major mental attack on the world, 9/10s of all mutants lost their powers. After this event, known as ‘M Day,’ Apocalypse attacked, and the mutants known as Angel, Jean Grey, Magneto, and Jubilee died in the effort to stop him. In the end, the heroes succeeded, and the world was safe.

There is discussion in the international community about how international the Avengers really are. While they have signed and gotten numerous heroes officially affiliated with the Avengers, they still have the largest concentration in the United States. Adding to this, Excalibur, Britain’s premier superhero team, as well as Europe’s largest and most well-known superhero team, has very publicly refused to be endorsed by the Avengers. They mostly cite past anti mutant allegations that various members of the Avengers have made, although they refused to name specific members. The X-Men have also refused affiliation, although without explanation most in the public attribute that to the recent tragedies that have befallen the mutant community.

(see Road to Infinity)