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Influences, resources, etc

Influences, resources, etc
Early Influence
Campaign Influences
Recommended Reading
More to come!

Hey there! Here's some information on what influences the campaign, some recommended comics reading, and just generally stuff of that nature.

Early Influence

Before we would even get anywhere near close to having the campaign, these are what largely shaped my views on many marvel characters.
X-Men: Evolution
Marvel Ultimate Alliance
Raimi Spider-Man movies
Fox X-Men movies
The 90's marvel shows
Websites about Minimates

Campaign Influences

For one reason or another, these were the works that I had read that contributed the most to the early days of the campaign.
I read them either before or not too long after we played our first session, and they were likely what caused the game to not immediately be an MCU rip off.
Iron Man: Demon in a Bottle
Iron Man: Armor Wars
Avengers: The Origin
Squirrel Girl

I'd of course be remiss to not mention the influence that the MCU also had on the campaign, however most of it was relegated to events happening, rather than characters.
However, as I think I've mentioned, Age of Ultron is what made me rethink how Hawkeye was portrayed in the campaign, leading to Agent Barton not being Clint Barton.
And, of course the first Avengers and Captain America: Winter Soldier played a decently sized part in influencing the first "Avengers Incident," that lead to the formation of the Avengers, as well as the events of the HYDRA Insurrection.

The then current Fox X-Men movies played a part in that I wanted the younger Erik and Charles, which is what lead to their time travel storyline in the background.
Like a lot of writers in comics, I wanted to open the campaign with a big death, but not one that was too major to be detrimental.
This is what lead to me killing of Daredevil to open session 1. The Daredevil tv show is what would lead to me reversing this decision and bringing him back.
Since I didn't want to yet make mutants known to the world, its what caused them to play such a small part in the world until like 2019.
Going into the 2019 "era" of the campaign, I had a lot more influences under my belt for the structure of things. This list includes everything from then to "Road to Infinity"

Chris Claremont's X-Men.
House of X/Powers of X
The Gifted TV Show
New Mutants vol.1
God Loves Man Kills
Exaclibur Vol.1
Claremont/Miller's Wolverine
Logan (2017)
Jay and Miles X-Plain the X-Men

Recommended Reading

Squirrel Girl : Specifically, The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl. A great and silly comic that is an easy read.

More to come!

(See also: Scrapped Ideas and Design Document)