parent nodes: Agent Barton | Recommended Reading | Scrapped Ideas and Design Document | Where Every Hero is At

Charles Bernard "Barney" Barton was born on August 4th to Harold and Edith Barton. He grew up working in his father's butcher shop in Waverly, Iowa with his younger brother Clint. Much like his brother has trained himself to become a master archer specializing in the use of regular bows, longbows, compound bows, and crossbows with near-perfect accuracy. He is capable of firing multiple arrows at a single target in a few seconds, hitting multiple targets in a few quick strokes, and directly hit small targets in the greatest of distances. He was trained in the Army and later the by the FBI in firearms. From there, he would be recruited by S.H.I.E.L.D. to assist them in regards to the growing number of superheroes.
Despite being a participant during the Avengers Incident, since he was a direct member of S.H.I.E.L.D., he was not considered for membership.
Master Archer
Barney Barton, much like his brother has trained himself to become a master archer specializing in the use of regular bows, longbows, compound bows, and crossbows with near-perfect accuracy. He is capable of firing multiple arrows at a single target in a few seconds, hitting multiple targets in a few quick strokes, and directly hit small targets in the greatest of distances.
Master Marksman
He possesses very keen eyesight and accuracy. He was trained in the Army and later the by the FBI in firearms. In his adult life he was trained by Trick Shot with throwing blades, balls, bolas, and boomerangs. He now has near-perfect precision with any aimed or thrown weapon. He can hurl objects with extreme speed and accuracy, both in direct aim and complicated rebounds/interactions.
Expert Acrobat
Barney Barton possesses exceptional human strength, endurance, and stamina. He is athletic, with very good reflexes and agility.
Martial Artist
Barney Barton is an excellent martial artist, having been trained in various forms by the US Army and the FBI.
Skilled Tactician
Barney is a skilled tactician due to his training in the FBI and US Army.
Skilled Pickpocket
Barney is a naturally gifted pickpocket and honed his skills while an employee of the Carson Carnival of Traveling Wonder.[37]
Weapons Proficiency
Barney Barton incredible reflexes and hand-eye coordination allow him to easily master most weapons. He also received training in swordsmanship during his youth from the original Swordsman along with his brother.
Specially padded armor.
Duplicate of Hawkeye's bow, quick-release quiver, and a number of specialty arrows.