parent nodes: Avengers | Bucky Barnes | ISIS | Kurtis Rowan | Middle East | The GibHeart | The Ultron Legion | TimeLine


Multiple major terrorist attacks hit New York. These would be attributed to HYDRA, a terrorist group with origins in Nazi scientists from World War II.

The world would be shaken by the most destructive superhero event. S.H.I.E.L.D. had gotten word of another pending HYDRA attack. They summoned a group of heroes to their helicarrier in the sky off the coast of New York. This group of heroes was made up of Spider-Man, Iron Man, The Cobalt Archer, the SteelWolf, the Hulk, Captain America and the Fantastic Four.

S.H.I.E.L.D. was attacked from within, and two helicarriers located in New York were hijacked and launched, both fully armed and capable of leveling the city. The heroes were dispatched to stop them before they could be brought to full operation capacity. And they did, but by crashing the two together. Will Jones would also kill the Red Skull by dropping him from the sky. This lead to major damage to the city, however, certainly far less thanks to Spider-Man and the Fantastic Four, civilian casualties were almost nonexistent.

This event lead to S.H.I.E.L.D. being known to the world, and major distrust being placed in them. The head of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury, would soon find himself involved in many senate hearings.

The distrust in S.H.I.E.L.D. would also lead to the heroes wanting to no longer assist in S.H.I.E.L.D. related activities. With the goal of self-regulation, Captain America and Iron Man created the Avengers Charter. It would be signed by all those mentioned involved in the New York event.

Thus, the Avengers were formed.

Backed by billionaire Tony Stark, the Avengers quickly expanded in New York, quickly taking over one of Stark’s New York skyscrapers.

Many heroes would quickly join the Avengers. Over the next two years, many different teams would become Avenger’s sanctioned teams.

Will Jones goes on long term journalistic assignment in the Middle East. He also kills ISIS.