parent nodes: Avengers | Avengers Charter | Year2015

Avengers Charter

The original charter was agreed upon by the founding team members after feeling like S.H.I.E.L.D. was no longer trustworthy. The simple document governed the team through much of their career. The initial document was signed by members only with their superhero names, feeling that even in the formation of this new team, that their privacy and ability to have a secret identity, was key. Later members would sign similar documents in the same way, with only their superhero moniker.

Original Signers

That we, the Avengers, have banded together to protect and safeguard the planet Earth, its inhabitants and resources, from any and all threats, terrestrial or otherwise, which might prove to be beyond the power of conventional forces to handle.
That we shall tolerate no interference in the growth of humanity in meeting its rightful destiny.

That we dedicate ourselves to the establishment, growth, and preservation of peace, liberty, equality, and justice under law.

This is our solemn oath.