parent nodes: Avengers | Ben Grimm | EarliestDigitalTimelineDoc | Fantastic Four | Ghost Detective | Human Torch | Jim Hammond | Johnny Storm | Karen Page | Marvel-1 | Mole Man | Nick Fury | Reed Richards | Scrapped Ideas and Design Document | SinglePageTimeline | Susan Storm | Teams | Victor Von Doom | Where Every Hero is At | Year2010 | Year2011 | Year2015 | Year2016

The Fantastic Four (FF) are a team of adventurers who accidentally received powers from cosmic radiation during a space trip on the Marvel-1. They are Reed Richards (Mister Fantastic), Reed's then girlfriend, Sue Storm (the Invisible Girl, later Woman), Susan's brother Johnny Storm (the Human Torch), and their good friend Ben Grimm (the Thing). Seeing fantastic heights in their popularity after becoming the world's first superheroes, they became overnight celebrities, and would go on to have their own reality television program, and eventually, their own channel.