parent nodes: Mole Man | TimeLine


In 2010, the world was forever changed when it learned the impossible was possible.

A private space station was launched by world renowned scientists Reed Richards and Victor Von Doom. Accompanying them were Susan Storm, Johnny Storm, and Ben Grimm. After a tremendous accident, they were all forced to return to Earth, most spending over a month in a coma.

Sometime thereafter, a man who would later be called Mole Man would lead a terrorist attack upon New York City. He would be quickly stopped by Susan Storm, Johnny Storm, Reed Richards, and Ben Grimm, all of them having been given fantastical powers from the accident in space.

This “Fantastic Four” quickly became an overnight sensation. Within a year they would have their own reality show. Within five years, they’d have their own television network.

Charles Xavier and Erik Lensherr rejoin Logan at the Xavier Institute.