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December 26th, 2019
While on the train, Kitty sends Hiroshi information on how mutants are being treated in Florida.
The duo arrive in Florida, and investigate at a police station the incident that Erik mentioned to them. They steal the case file after the people there refused to give it to them and toss it out.
They find out that Lorna has been transfered to the care of Alkali Industries Protection Services. They head to the headquarters of said company, and break in. They find the location of several possible holding facilities for mutants. They determine the correct one, but are caught by Donald Pierce. They tie him up and leave for one of the holding facilities.
While discussing how to get into the facility, Hiroshi is contacted by Tony Stark, who is pissed that they assaulted the head of Alkali Industries and broke into one of their buildings. Hiroshi hangs up on him.
However, during the conversation, Ghost Detective walked off, sent one of the guards to hell, then surrendered, claiming to be a mutant. Hiroshi went invisible, and followed him through being processed.
Eventually, Ghost Detective was let out into the yard on the male side. Hiroshi snuck over to the other side, and got Lorna Dayne to head to the fence seperating the two.
They all vaguely discussed a plan before Hiroshi removed the mutant power supressing collar from around her neck.
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