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Infinity Quest Issue 8

Will Jones watches as Mary Jane Watson, a guest on his TV show, turns to dust as well as half the audience and some of the crew.

Ghost Detective watches the the S.W.O.R.D. space station explode, and a pheonix flare engulfs the sky.

The Milano crashes into Thanos' ship, where Hiroshi is. Rocket and Drax are the only remaining members of the team. They persued Thanos after he ambushed them and took Gamora.
The three of them formulate a way to get back to earth, and almost make it back in the repaired Milano, but run out of power, saving their last bit incase they manage to get pulled in by Earth's gravity.

They are thankfully found by ROM Space Knight, who pushed them to earth, and gives Hiroshi a crystal to contact him on.

Hiroshi brings Rocket Raccoon and Drax to the Avenger's Tower, and finds out the state of the world.
he finds out

They assemble a team to take out Thanos.

Illyana destorys Doctor Fallow's staff to scry where the time stone is.

The hit squad rolls out to kill Thanos.

They find Thanos, who tells them he destoryed the stones to defend the universe more.

Bandura sends Thanos to hell for his sins.

They all return to earth sad that they didnt reverse everything.

The watcher watches

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