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Infinity Quest Issue 7

The Infinity Chest Plate is finished.
The Postulants arrive to the S.W.O.R.D. space station, where they discuss plans with Nick Fury. Hiroshi and Doctor Fallow go to earth to get the space stone and consult with Doctor Strange.

They go to Doctor Strange, who discusses with them that he did not forsee this timeline, but the Ancient One did.

Meanwhile, in 1967, Bandura and his team see Xavier and Erik off to the future, and the Ancient one offers them a way to their present, to bring the tesseract to their present.

In the present, Doctor Fallow uses the time stone to create a time bridge between the two points. Bandura and his team return to the present, and give Hiroshi the tesseract, and by extension, the space stone. Bandura's team goes to a diner to plan the next stage of their operation.

They assemble the chest piece with the five infinity stones they have. Doctor Fallow puts on the chest piece, and attempts to locate the last infinity stone. He finds the location, and it is with Thanos. He teleports to Thanos.

Thanos urges Doctor Fallow to bring Hiroshi to him, so he can try to convince them of the rightouesness of his plight. Once Hiroshi was there, Thanos laid out his reasoning for wanting the stones. Their universe is at risk from within, and from the multiverse. He wants to shore up its walls, defend it from incursions, and for that he needs to sacrifice half of all life in the universe.

Doctor Fallow disagrees, and chucks his spear at Thanos, and misses. They engage in combat. Doctor Fallow attempts to use the infinity chest piece to blast Thanos, but eventually the stones overwhelm him, and he stands there, unable to move, incapacitated. Thanos goes over to him, and plucks a stone out of the armor, and puts it in his gauntlet. Hiroshi takes the power stone from the slowly dying Doctor Fallow. Doctor Fallow attempts to use the time stone to rewind time, but fails to do so.

Thanos takes the remaining stones, and focuses on taking the power stone from Hiroshi, while begging him to simply give him the stone. Doctor Fallow dies, and Thanos rewinds time to bring him back. Thanos grapples Hiroshi for the power stone, and eventually gets it. Doctor Fallow dies again, and Thanos brings him back to life... again. Thanos snaps and leaves.

Doctor Fallow strips naked, and turns to dust.

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