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December 29th
Bandura and Hiroshi head to a warehouse that Matt Murdock told them to go to. They check it out and can see a plane of some kind and some boxes. Bandura crashes through a window, and soon finds himself in a standoff with old enemy the Winter Soldier.
Hiroshi enters, and Steve Rogers pops up to help quell the situation. Sam Wilson also makes his presence known. Steve quells the situation, and shakes Bandura's hand.
The five men form a circle from crates and talk. Steve Rogers invites the two to join his Secret Avengers. Bandura declines as he only has limited time left, and doesn't do teams. Hiroshi signs the charter. Hiroshi invites Steve Rogers, or anyone from his team to join his space team. Steve agrees.
Him and his team then leave to go beat up facists in Florida. Supposedly a prisoner transport after the prison breakout staged by Hiroshi and Bandura.
Bandura and Hiroshi discuss who should be the last join for their team. They decide on Bruce Banner, and Bandura goes to find a payphone, and calls up Bruce Banner who he has worked with in the past.
Bandura convinces him that he needs Bruce for this team, for his brain, not the Hulk, after Banner largely hints that the big green guy may be out of the picture currently.
Bandura and Hiroshi then catch an uber back to Hiroshi's apartment.
There, they contact Nick Fury to tell him that the mission is ready, the team is assembled. Nick Fury directs them to call [Agent Winnfield], their mission handler. They then do so. Agent Winnfield chastises them for never checking in with him in regards to how the mission was going. Bandura dresses him down for being a pussy. Winnfield tells them he'll start prepping the mission, and despite Bandura's insisting the launch should be in 2 hours, informs them that the launch should be in about a week.
Bandura crashes on Hiroshi's couch, and Peter invites the two of them to a New Years Eve celebration, and the agree to go. Bandura reflects on this being the first time in quite some time he was actuall invited to a party.
December 31st
The day of the party.
Hiroshi heads over early and helps MJ and Peter set up. Bandura joins them at the start time of the party.
A little later, Bobby Drake and Firestar show up. Ben Grimm shows up with pierogies. A little later, so does Kitty Pryde and Illyana. There are a lot of pierogies and Hiroshi eats 1/3 of them. Kitty Pryde's are the best.
Ben Grimm unfortunately does not have any news regarding Reed's progress on the backwards time machine for Bandura. Peter Parkers gives Bandura the keys to his old apartment so he has a place to stay while waiting for Reed Richards.
Kitty Pryde forces Illyana to apologize to Hiroshi before ushering her away as Illyana gets upset about something.
January 1st 2020
A new year. Unbridled opportunity.
Bandura crashes at Hiroshi's place before heading out to his new apartment in the morning.
On his way there, he feels as though he is being followed. He confronts the person following him who turns out to be Lorna Dayne. She tells him that her father Erik has been getting more and more upset up at the X-mansion and she wasn't sure where else to go, so she found Bandura.
Bandura finds a payphone and calls Hiroshi to let him know that they need to head up to the Xavier Institute.
Lorna turns a manhole cover into a flatter and more spacy object for her and Bandura to sit on as she brings them to the institute. The two smoke up as they fly toward Westchester.
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