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Robert "Bobby" Louis Drake was born in Floral Park, Hempstead, New York to William Robert Drake and Madeline Beatrice Bass-Drake. Bobby was Jewish on his mother's side and Irish Catholic on his father's. Bobby first discovered his mutant abilities at a young age when he found himself unable to stop feeling cold and shivering.
Bobby Drake discovered his mutant power to create ice while in his early teens, yet kept his condition hidden from everyone but his parents. Initially, Bobby was unable to stop feeling cold and shivering, but soon managed to keep it under control. When a bully named Rocky Beasely and his friends attacked Bobby and his then-girlfriend, Judy Harmon, the youngster panicked. To save Harmon, Bobby temporarily encased Rocky in ice, thus revealing his abilities for all to see. Believing the boy to be a menace, the townspeople organized a lynch mob. They broke into Bobby's home and overpowered him, but the local sheriff took the teenager into custody for his own protection. Meanwhile, the situation had come to the attention of Professor Charles Xavier.
Professor X dispatched Cyclops, to contact Bobby. Cyclops stole into the jailhouse as planned, but the two began fighting when Bobby refused to accompany him. Caught by the lynch mob, Cyclops and Bobby were about to be hanged when they broke free. Professor X used his mental powers to halt the townspeople in their tracks and erase their memories of Bobby's powers. A grateful Bobby then accepted Xavier's invitation to enroll at the Xavier Institute. Though initially granting him a snow-like form, Bobby soon learned to increase his degree of cold control resulting in an ice-like, almost transparent form.
Iceman is a mutant who can absorb and release heat by manipulating thermal energy. He is able to lower his body temperature without causing harm to himself. He has the capacity to manipulate all forms of moisture and possesses all of the abilities to generate unusually hard ice to form projectiles, slides and shields that are strong enough to stop bullets. He can travel rapidly along these ice-slides or ice-bridges by causing ice to form rapidly beneath and behind his feet, pushing him along the slick surface. Iceman has created constructs of ice so powerful that he was able to easily encase and contain the likes of the Hulk. He is also able to summon moisture from the air and create floods, blizzards and/or snowstorms. Iceman's mutant powers are so vast that it extends to the molecular level, to the point that he can freeze all of the molecules of an object/being with a thought, as well as unfreeze it.
Iceman can manipulate water at molecular level, he can use surrounding moisture to augment himself, or creating flash floods through sheer force of will. He is able to convert his body to gigantic proportions as well, through absorption of a body of water or water vapor in the air.
Ice Body
In his ice form, Iceman has enhanced strength and durability. Iceman is immune to sub-zero temperatures and has thermal vision: the ability to detect objects visually by how much heat the objects generate. He is able to fashion an armor of solid ice strong enough to stop bullets. He can deposit his bodily mass into a river and reconstitute his entire mass a great distance away, transform his body into pure organic ice and to augment his organic ice form with razor sharp adornments to his shoulders, elbows, knees, and fists; reconstitute his ice-form if any part of it is damaged or completely shattered, without permanent harm to himself. He also can temporarily add the mass of a body of water to his own to increase his mass, size and physical power. He can survive not only as sentient ice, but as sentient water and vapor. He has also developed the ability to transform his body from a gaseous state back to a solid, although it is taxing both physically and mentally.