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December 29th, 2019
Hiroshi wakes up hungover.
Ben crashed on his couch and before he leaves, tells Hiroshi how Bandura is a really good man. Bandura tells Hiroshi to call Daredevil inquiring about Steve Rogers. He does so. Daredevil tells him he'll call him back in an hour. Bandura and Hiroshi discuss some about how to train Miles, with Bandura saying they should threaten his family. Hiroshi disagrees, and Bandura leaves.
Bandura finds where Miles Morales lives and stalks him until Hiroshi shows up and yells at him for doing so. The two get breakfast, and then decide to rob a bank a few blocks away from Miles' home, with Bandura as made up super villain the Bell Ringer and Hiroshi as the Silver Samurai.
They do so.
Once Miles Morales showed up, the disguised Hiroshi and Bandura engaged him in combat. They kicked his ass until they fled so they could stop beating him up.
They fled to out of New York City to take off their disguises. They return to Hiroshi's apartment and watch the news of the aftermath. Peter Parker calls very angry, and they agree to meet.
Bandura tells Miles that he needs to get better or else he and the civilians are in danger. Miles gets angry and web slings away. Peter thanks Bandura, saying that despite how awful it went, it was an important learning experience for Miles, and was far safer than the alternative of actual super villains.
They then head off to Matt Murdock's office, where Matt Murdock tells them to go to a warehouse by the docks to find Steve Rogers.
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