parent nodes: Acquisition of Spells | Advancement | All Spells | Anti-Magic Shell | Charm Animal | Charm Person | Cleric | Cleric Spells | Confusion | Cure Disease | Death and Dying | FloridaAnimalAdventure | Game Master Information | How to Create a Player Character | Magic-User Spells | Magic Items | Magic Users | Magical Research | Mink Home | Saving Throws | Spells | Thief | Time and Scale


The number of spells of each level which a Cleric or
Magic-User may cast per day is shown on the
appropriate table in the Characters section.
Each morning spellcasters prepare spells to
replace those they have used. Clerics pray, while
Magic-Users must study their spellbooks. Spells
prepared but not used persist from day to day; only
those actually cast must be replaced. A spellcaster may
choose to dismiss a prepared spell (without casting it) in
order to prepare a different spell of that level.
Spellcasters must have at least one hand free, and be
able to speak, in order to cast spells; thus, binding and
gagging a spellcaster is an effective means of preventing
them from casting spells. In combat, casting a spell
usually takes the same time as making an attack. If a
spellcaster is attacked (even if not hit) or must make a
saving throw (whether successful or not) on the
Initiative number on which they are casting a spell, the
spell is spoiled and lost. As a specific exception, two
spell casters releasing their spells at each other on the
same Initiative number will both succeed in their
casting; one caster may disrupt another with a spell only
if they have a better Initiative, and choose to delay
casting the spell until right before the other caster.
Some spells are reversible; such spells are shown with
an asterisk after the name.

Cleric Spells
Magic-User Spells

All Spells

See also: Acquisition of Spells