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Magic-User Spells

Magic-Users cast spells through the exercise of
knowledge and will. They prepare spells by study of
their spellbooks; each Magic-User has their own
spellbook containing the magical formulae for each spell
the Magic-User has learned. Spellbooks are written in a
magical script that can only be read by the one who
wrote it, or through the use of the spell read magic. All
Magic-Users begin play knowing read magic, and it is
so ingrained that it can be prepared without a
A Magic-User may only prepare spells after resting (i.e.
a good night's sleep), and needs one turn per each
three spell levels to do so (rounding fractions up).
Spells prepared but not used on a previous day are not
lost. For example, a 3rd level Magic-User preparing all
three of their available spells (two 1st level and one 2nd
level) is preparing a total of 4 levels of spells, and thus
needs 2 turns (4 divided by 3 and rounded up).
Rules for the acquisition of new spells are found in the
Acquisition of Spells section.

First Level Magic-User Spells
1 Charm Person
2 Detect Magic
3 Floating Disc
4 Hold Portal
5 Light*
6 Magic Missile
7 Magic Mouth
8 Protection from Evil*
9 Read Languages
10 Shield
11 Sleep
12 Ventriloquism

Second Level Magic-User Spells
1 Continual Light*
2 Detect Evil*
3 Detect Invisible
4 Invisibility
5 Knock
6 Levitate
7 Locate Object
8 Mind Reading
9 Mirror Image
10 Phantasmal Force
11 Web
12 Wizard Lock

Third Level Magic-User Spells
1 Clairvoyance
2 Darkvision
3 Dispel Magic
4 Fireball
5 Fly
6 Haste*
7 Hold Person
8 Invisibility 10‘ radius
9 Lightning Bolt
10 Protection from Evil 10’ radius*
11 Protection from Normal Missiles
12 Water Breathing

Fourth Level Magic-User Spells
1 Charm Monster
2 Confusion
3 Dimension Door
4 Growth of Plants*
5 Hallucinatory Terrain
6 Ice Storm
7 Massmorph
8 Polymorph Other
9 Polymorph Self
10 Remove Curse*
11 Wall of Fire
12 Wizard Eye

Fifth Level Magic-User Spells
1 Animate Dead
2 Cloudkill
3 Conjure Elemental
4 Feeblemind*
5 Hold Monster
6 Magic Jar
7 Passwall
8 Telekinesis
9 Teleport
10 Wall of Stone

Sixth Level Magic-User Spells
1 Anti-Magic Shell
2 Death Spell
3 Disintegrate
4 Flesh to Stone*
5 Geas*
6 Invisible Stalker
7 Lower Water
8 Projected Image
9 Reincarnate
10 Wall of Iron