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Magic Users

Spell Lvl
Level Exp. Points Hit Dice AB 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 0 1d4 +1 1
2 2,500 2d4 +1 2
3 5,000 3d4 +1 2 1
4 10,000 4d4 +2 2 2
5 20,000 5d4 +2 2 2 1
6 40,000 6d4 +3 3 2 2
7 80,000 7d4 +3 3 2 2 1
8 150,000 8d4 +3 3 3 2 2
9 300,000 9d4 +4 3 3 2 2 1
10 450,000 9d4+1 +4 4 3 3 2 2
11 600,000 9d4+2 +4 4 4 3 2 2 1
12 750,000 9d4+3 +4 4 4 3 3 2 2
13 900,000 9d4+4 +5 4 4 4 3 2 2
14 1,050,000 9d4+5 +5 4 4 4 3 3 2
15 1,200,000 9d4+6 +5 5 4 4 3 3 2
16 1,350,000 9d4+7 +6 5 5 4 3 3 2
17 1,500,000 9d4+8 +6 5 5 4 4 3 3
18 1,650,000 9d4+9 +6 6 5 4 4 3 3
19 1,800,000 9d4+10 +7 6 5 5 4 3 3
20 1,950,000 9d4+11 +7 6 5 5 4 4 3
Magic-Users are those who seek and use knowledge of the arcane. They do magic not as the Cleric does, by faith in a greater power, but rather through insight and understanding. In this setting it is possible that they have had their mind opened by at some point having access to human writings.

Magic-Users are the worst of all the classes at fighting; hours spent studying massive tomes of magic do not lead a character to become strong or adept with weapons. They are the least hardy, equal to Thieves at lower levels but quickly falling behind.

The Prime Requisite for Magic-Users is Intelligence; a character must have an Intelligence score of 9 or higher to become a Magic-User. The only weapons they become proficient with are the dagger and the walking staff (or cudgel). Magic-Users may not wear armor of any sort nor use a shield as such things interfere with spellcasting.

A first level Magic-User begins play knowing read magic and one other spell of first level. These spells are written in a spellbook provided by his or her master. The GM may roll for the spell, assign it as he or she sees fit, or allow the player to choose it, at his or her option. See the Spells section for more details.

Table 5.3: Magic User Saving Throws
Level Death Ray / Poison Magic Wands Paralysis / Petrify Dragon Breath Spells
1 13 14 13 16 15
2-3 13 14 13 15 14
4-5 12 13 12 15 13
6-7 12 12 11 14 13
8-9 11 11 10 14 12
10-11 11 10 9 13 11
12-13 10 10 9 13 11
14-15 10 9 8 12 10
16-17 9 8 7 12 9
18-19 9 7 6 11 9
20 8 6 5 11 8