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Within this setting, mink are smiths. Most weapons that they have are created from the trash left within their environment, as well as repurposed tools discarded by the humans.
For this reason, think about when picking a weapon what that weapon might be constructed out of. Perhaps a sword has been created from a found and repurposed pocket knife, arrow heads made from honing metal from discarded cans. Let your imagination run wild.
Weapon Price Size Weight Dmg.
------------------------------- ------- ---- ------ ----
Hand Axe 4 gp S 5 1d6
Battle Axe 7 gp M 7 1d8
Great Axe 14 gp L 15 1d10
------------------------------- ------- ---- ------ ----
Shortbow 25 gp M 2
Shortbow Arrow 1 sp * 1d6
Longbow 60 gp L 3
Longbow Arrow 2 sp * 1d8
Light Crossbow 30 gp M 7
Light Quarrel 2 sp * 1d6
Heavy Crossbow 50 gp L 14
Heavy Quarrel 4 sp * 1d8
------------------------------- ------- ---- ------ ----
Dagger 2 gp S 1 1d4
------------------------------- ------- ---- ------ ----
Shortsword 6 gp S 3 1d6
Longsword/Scimitar 10 gp M 4 1d8
Two-Handed Sword 18 gp L 10 1d10
------------------------------- ------- ---- ------ ----
Hammers and Maces
Warhammer 4 gp S 6 1d6
Mace 6 gp M 10 1d8
Maul 10 gp L 16 1d10
------------------------------- ------- ---- ------ ----
Other Weapons
Club/Cudgel/Walking Staff 2 sp M 1 1d4
Quarterstaff 2 gp L 4 1d6
Pole Arm 9 gp L 15 1d10
Spear 5 gp M 5
Thrown (one handed) 1d6
Melee (one handed) 1d6
Melee (two handed) 1d8

Missile Weapon Ranges

Weapon Short (+1) Medium (0) Long (-2)
------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------
Longbow 70 140 210
Shortbow 50 100 150
Heavy Crossbow 80 160 240
Light Crossbow 60 120 180
Dagger 10 20 30
Hand Axe 10 20 30
Oil or Holy Water 10 30 50
Sling 30 60 90
Spear 10 20 30
Warhammer 10 20 30

Missile weapon ranges are given in feet. In the wilderness, substitute yards for feet. If the target is as close as or closer than the Short range figure, the attacker receives a +1 attack bonus. If the target is further away than the Medium range figure, but not beyond the Long range figure, the attacker receives a -2 attack penalty.