parent nodes: About this Adventure | An Important Note about size and weight | Armor and Shields | Carrying Capacity | Darkvision | Doom on the Horizon | Encounter | How to Create a Player Character | Languages | Mink | Mink Home | Misc. Equipment | Species | That Sly Thieving Raccoon | The Adventure | The Beast | Weapons

Everglades Mink

Restrictions: Mink may be any single class. They have no minimum or maximum ability score requirements.

Special Abilities: Mink movement rates are not hampered by water travel, and can move in water at the same speed they do on land. Due to this as well as their size, they move through jungle and swamp terrain as though it were hilly terrain for the purpose of travel. When it comes to water based travel, they can swim for up to three hours. Outdoors in their preferred terrain, they are able to hide very effectively; so long as they remain still there is only a 20% chance they will be detected. Even indoors, in dungeons or in non-preferred terrain they are able to hide such that there is only a 40% chance of detection. They have Darkvision out to 40'. They can also release a foul smelling liquid, and may use this to better mark areas where they have been, as well as a warning.

Saving Throws: Mink are the “standard,” and thus have no saving throw bonuses.

Natural Attacks: Mink can utilize both their claws and their teeth to attack. Their claws do 1d4 of damage, and their bite 1d6. At 14 strength and above, this is increased to 1d6 and 1d8 respectively.

The everglades mink is considered a threatened species in Florida.