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Doom on the Horizon

Around midday, one of the elder mink, Hopkins, summons the party to speak with him.

This mink often spends his time seemingly lost in thought, communing with the land around him. He is oft known for his visions of what is to come.

Him summoning the party like this is often something that can be seen as worrisome.

He wishes to discuss with the players his most recent vision. He tells them of a great beast that he fortells bringing death and destruction to the commune.

It will come and rip apart the lives people have made, destroy your home. He does not know when it will come, just that it will.

He does think that he knows of where this beast is, that it is an alligator to the north, on the other side of the road. A dangerous trek.

However, it won't stay there long, and he doesn't know if he'll ever be shown visions of its location ever again. If left to attack, he thinks the beast will attack one day some weeks away at a time when the commune leasts suspects it and is less defended.

If pressed for further information, Hopkins may reveal that his visions of a great alligator and his visions of a beast destroying the commune are relatively unconnected. The beast in his visions is large and shapeless, wholly unknown. It is only his best guess that the two are related, as why would they not be. He does think that he was shown visions of this alligator to the north for a reason no matter what, and that it would be best if they sought it out.

Hopkins is capable of magically imprinting the location upon the party, so their chances of getting lost are slim, even once they are out in the unfamiliar lands north of the road.

Presuming the party does agree to go on this quest, continue onto The Journey