parent nodes: Doom on the Horizon | The Adventure | The Beast | The Journey

The Journey

Having agree to take on this quest for Hopkins, the party is free to gather supplies in commune, and pack for the trip.

The journey to the road is 10 miles, and the journey to where the alligator is presumed to be is another 10 miles.

Follow the travel times found in Wilderness. The entire journey is considered to be "hills."

They will likely make it over the road and fairly close to their destination by the time they need to stop and rest.

Review Home Encounters for the purpose of encounters during the journey to the road.

Also included are a number of special encounters that you may either replace other encounters with, or add to the adventure if you so wish to.

Some are repeated between parts one and two.

Journey pt1 Special Encounters

The Northern Road

Once north of the road, start using North of Road Encounters to roll for encounters.

See also Journey pt2 Special Encounters

Once near their destination, players may wish to rest depending on the time of day and how they are doing health and spell wise before facing The Beast.