parent nodes: About this Adventure | Appendix | How to Create a Player Character | Mink Home | Module | The Adventure | The Journey

The Adventure

This module is largely meant for a group of 4 players playing level 5 characters, and one GM.

Although it may or may not come up, ignore the rule in Advancement regarding only being able to level up once per adventure.

By large, this module is a loose set of encounters and scenarios that this adventuring party of mink may encounter as they venture to fulfill their task, with some more set encounters along the way. It is also meant to provide a backing for GMs to create their own further adventures, as well as perhaps adventures that lead up to this one, if one so chooses to play through the first 5 levels. The section detailing commune in which the mink live has further information about their home and the area directly around it.

Largely, the module and adventure are meant to be read by the GM. Unless directly stated, all information given is at the GM's discretion.