parent nodes: Game Master Information | Getting Started | How to Create a Player Character

How to Create a Player Character

First, you will need a piece of paper to write down the
character's statistics on. You may use a preprinted
character sheet if one is available, or you may simply
use a piece of notebook paper. An example character
is shown below. You should use a pencil to write down
all information, as any statistic may change during play.
Roll 3d6 for each ability score, as described in the
Character Abilities section, and write the results after
the names of the abilities. Write down the scores in the
order you roll them; if you are unhappy with the scores
you have rolled, ask your Game Master for advice, as
they may allow some form of point or score

Write down the ability score bonus (or penalty) for each
score beside the score itself, as shown on the table in
Character Abilities

Choose a class for your character. Your
character must meet the Prime Requisite minimum for a
class, as described in the Character Classes section, in
order to be a member of that class. With this adventure,
all characters have mink as their species.

Write down the special abilities of your species and class
choices, as described below. If you have chosen to
play a Magic-User, ask your Game Master what spell or
spells your character knows; it's up to the Game Master
to decide this, but they may allow you to choose one or
more spells yourself.

Note on your character sheet that your character has
zero (0) experience points (or XP); also you may want
to note the number needed to advance to second level,
as shown in the table for your class.
Roll the hit die appropriate for your class, adding your
Constitution bonus or penalty, and note the result as
your hit points on your character sheet. Note that,
should your character have a Constitution penalty, the
penalty will not lower any hit die roll below 1 (so if your
Character has a -2 penalty for Constitution, and you
roll a 2, the total is adjusted to 1).

Roll for your starting money. Generally your character
will start with 3d6 times 10 gold pieces, however this adventure
is meant to have a starting level of 5, so starting with 3d6 times
50 gold pieces is generally suggested. Ignore this of course if you choose to have
your players work their way to level 5. Of course, as mink, money is
not something intrinsic to your society, so unless your GM wishes to
integrate a money based economy into the game, any starting gold not
spent is lost. The world beyond character creation largely functions
off of a barter based system. Carrying items to trade is likely a
good idea.

With players starting at higher levels, it may be a good idea to
allow them to purchase treasure or magic items if they can.

Now, purchase equipment for your character, as shown
in the Cost of Weapons and Equipment section. Write
your purchases on your character sheet, and note how
much money remains afterward.

Make sure you understand the weapon and armor
restrictions for your class and race before making your

Since you now know what sort of armor your character
is wearing, you should note your Armor Class on your
character sheet. Don't forget to add your Dexterity
bonus or penalty to the figure.

Look up your character's attack bonus (from the table
in the Encounter section) and note it on
your character sheet. Don't add your ability bonuses
(or penalties) to this figure, as you will add a different
bonus (Strength or Dexterity) depending on the sort of
weapon you use in combat (i.e. melee or missile

Also look up your saving throws and note them on your character sheet.

Finally, if you haven't done so already, name your
character. This often takes longer than all the other
steps combined.