parent nodes: American Alligator | Awarding Experience Points for Treasure Gained | Death and Dying | Encounter | How to Create a Player Character | Magic Items | Oh God That is a Lot of Alligators | Rules | Squirrel | stat blocks | Treasure


Distribution of Treasure

Some adventurers choose to adventure to battle evil, while other seek to attain glory or power… but others go in search of treasure, gold and jewels and magical items. Below is the information the Game Master will need to satisfy the greedy.

Random Treasure Generation

The tables below describe the various treasure types assigned to monsters, as well as unguarded treasures appropriate to various dungeon levels. To generate a random treasure, find the indicated treasure type and read across; where a percentage chance is given, roll percentile dice to see if that sort of treasure is found. If so, roll the indicated dice to determine how much.

Tables for the random generation of gems, jewelry (and bejeweled art pieces), and magic items are provided after the main treasure tables.

Placed Treasures

The Game Master is never required to roll for treasure; rather, treasure may be placed, or random treasures amended, as desired or needed for the purposes of the adventure. Special treasures are always placed; for example, a special magic item needed to complete an adventure.

Adjusting Treasure Awards

There will be many cases where random treasure generation is not the best method to employ. For instance, a larger than average treasure assigned to a smaller than average lair of monsters might need to be reduced. It is up to the Game Master to decide how much treasure he or she wishes to allow into the campaign. Too much gold (or other treasure which can be converted to gold) may make things too easy for the player characters. Similarly, too many magic items may also make things too easy.

If you are a novice Game Master, remember that you can always give more treasure, but it can be difficult to drain treasure from the party without angering the players… particularly if you use heavy-handed methods. Start small, and work up as you gain experience.

Unguarded Treasures

Level 100’s of Copper 100’s of Silver 100’s of Electrum 100’s of Gold 100’s of Platinum Gems and Jewelry Magic Items
----- ---------------- ---------------- ------------------ -------------- ------------------ ---------------- -----------
1 75%1d8 50%1d6 25%1d4 7%1d4 1%1d4 7%1d4, 3%1d4 2%Any 1
2 50%1d10 50%1d8 25%1d6 20%1d6 2%1d4 10%1d6, 7%1d4 5%Any 1
3 30%2d6 50%1d10 25%1d8 50%1d6 4%1d4 15%1d6, 7%1d6 8%Any 1
4-5 20%3d6 50%2d6 25%1d10 50%2d6 8%1d4 20%1d8, 10%1d6 12%Any 1
6-7 15%4d6 50%3d6 25%1d12 70%2d8 15%1d4 30%1d8, 15%1d6 16%Any 1
8+ 10%5d6 50%5d6 25%2d8 75%4d6 30%1d4 40%1d8, 30%1d8 20%Any 1

Gems and Jewelry

Use the tables below to determine the base value and number found when gems are indicated in a treasure hoard. If the number generated in the main table above is small, roll for each gem; but if the number is large (10 or more, at the GM’s option), after each roll for Type and Base Value, roll the indicated die to see how many such gems are in the hoard.
d% Type Base Value in Gold Pieces Number Found
---- ------------ ------------------------- -------------
01-20 Ornamental 10 1d10
21-45 Semiprecious 50 1d8
46-75 Fancy 100 1d6
76-95 Precious 500 1d4
96-00 Gem 1000 1d2
Jewel 5000 1

The values of gems vary from the above for reasons of quality, size, etc. The GM may use the table below to adjust the values of the gems in the hoard, at his or her option. This is why there is no die result given in the table above for Jewel; on a roll of 12 on the table below, a Gem can become a Jewel.

2d6 Value Adjustment
---- -----------------
2 Next Lower Value Row
3 1/2
4 3/4
5-9 Normal Value
10 1.5 Times
11 2 Times
12 Next Higher Value Row

d% Gem Type
---- -------------
01-05 Alexandrite
06-12 Amethyst
13-20 Aventurine
21-30 Chlorastrolite
31-40 Diamond
41-43 Emerald
44-48 Fire Opal
49-57 Fluorospar
58-63 Garnet
64-68 Heliotrope
69-78 Malachite
79-88 Rhodonite
89-91 Ruby
92-95 Sapphire
96-00 Topaz

+++Magic Items