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American Alligator

Normal Large Giant
Armor Class: 15 17 19
Hit Dice: 5 8 15
No. of Attacks: 1 bite 1 bite 1 bite
Damage: 1d8 bite 2d8 bite 3d8 bite
Movement: 30' (10') Swim 30' (10') '' ''
No. Appearing: Wild 1d8 Wild 1d4 Wild 1d3
Save As: Fighter: 2 Fighter: 6 Fighter: 15
Morale: 7 8 9
Treasure Type: None None None
XP: 125 550 2,850

Alligators are ambush predators,
waiting for fish or land animals to come close, then
rushing out to attack. When in their natural element,
they surprise on 1-4 on 1d6.

These stats may also be used for the purpose of representing
the American crocodile.