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Character Abilities

Each character will have a score ranging from 3 to 18 in
each of the following abilities. A bonus or penalty is
associated with each score, as shown on the table
below. Each class has a Prime Requisite ability score,
which must be at least 9 in order for the character to
become a member of that class.
Ability Score Bonus/Penalty
3 -3
4-5 -2
6-8 -1
9-12 0
13-15 +1
16-17 +2
18 +3
Strength: As the name implies, this ability measures
the character's raw physical power. Strength is the
Prime Requisite for Fighters. Apply the ability bonus or
penalty for Strength to all attack and damage rolls in
melee (hand to hand) combat. Note that a penalty
here will not reduce damage from a successful attack
below one point in any case (see How to Attack and Damage,
both in the Encounter section, for details).

Intelligence: This is the ability to learn and apply
knowledge. Intelligence is the Prime Requisite for
Magic-Users. The ability bonus for Intelligence is added
to the number of languages the character is able to
learn to read and write; if the character has an
Intelligence penalty, they cannot read more than a
word or two, and will only know their native language.

Wisdom: A combination of intuition, willpower and
common sense. Wisdom is the Prime Requisite for
Clerics. The Wisdom bonus or penalty may apply to
some saving throws vs. magical attacks, particularly
those affecting the target's will.

Dexterity: This ability measures the character's
quickness and balance as well as aptitude with tools.
Dexterity is the Prime Requisite for Thieves. The
Dexterity bonus or penalty is applied to all attack rolls
with missile (ranged) weapons, to the character's Armor
Class value, and to the character's Initiative die roll.

Constitution: A combination of general health and
vitality. Apply the Constitution bonus or penalty to
each hit die rolled by the character. Note that a penalty
here will not reduce any hit die roll to less than 1 point.

Charisma: This is the ability to influence or even lead
people; those with high Charisma are well-liked, or at
least highly respected. Apply the Charisma bonus or
penalty to reaction rolls. Also, the number of retainers
a character may hire, and the loyalty of those retainers,
is affected by Charisma.