parent nodes: All Spells | Character Abilities | Getting Started | Languages | Magic-User Spells | Magic Items


All characters begin the game knowing their native
language. In this world, most species have their own language,
however "common" is a shared basic language. While
complex thoughts cannot be expressed in it, it is enough
for many species to communicate a basic idea to another, such
as "water nearby" or "I do not want to fight."
Not all creatures share this common understanding. Alligators
generally do not, same goes for animal species that do not
originate from Florida, such as the Burmese python.

Characters with Intelligence of 13 or higher may choose
to begin the game knowing one or more languages
other than those given above; the number of additional
languages that may be learned is equal to the
Intelligence bonus (+1, +2, or +3). Characters may
choose to learn other non-mink languages, including
the language of the humans, if they so choose to.
The player may choose to leave one or more bonus
language "slots" open, to be filled during play.