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The Northern Road

Interstate 75, or State Road 93, is a stretch of interstate highway. It is two lanes on either side, with a decent meridian running between. When the party arrives at this road, they are reminded of why it is so dangerous. Vehicles roar past them at blazing fast speeds. The road stretches seemingly forever to the east and west. Any crossing is both easy and hard. There is an easy rest in the middle, its not an endurance race. The vehicles racing by should be easy to predict, they can be seen for some time before getting to close.

Still though, the vehicles are relatively constant, and fast.

To make it across each 2 lane portion, each player must make an intelligence or dexterity based check, with the associated bonus, against a 16. On a success, they make it successfully across that 2 lane portion. On a failure, they must make a saving throw vs. Death Ray or be hit by a car. Roll a 1d6. On a 1 or a 2, they take 6d6 damage, and are thrown to the side they were crossing to. On a 3 or higher, they die.

The party may opt to wait until dark, when there might be less traffic. If they do so, the intelligence or dexterity check's difficulty is reduced to 13.

Once the party is across the road, they may continue on.