parent nodes: equipment | Misc. Equipment

Misc. Equipment

Item Price Weight
------------------------------- ------- -----
Backpack 4 gp *
Belt Pouch 1 gp *
Cloak 2 gp 1
Hat 5 gp 2
Holy Symbol 25 gp *
Holy Water, per vial 10 gp *
Marble 1 gp 10
Mirror, small metal 7 gp *
Padlock (with 2 keys) 12 gp 1
Paper (per sheet) 1 gp **
Ration, standard (perishable) one day 2 gp 8
Stick, 3’ wooden 1 gp 10
Quill 1 sp **
Quill Knife 1 gp *
Quiver or Bolt case 1 gp 1
Spellbook (128 pages) 25 gp 1
Thieves’ picks and tools 25 gp 1

Equipment Explanations

A Backpack will hold a maximum 40 carry points. Some items may be lashed to the outside, but sill count toward the weight limit.

Holy Water is explained in the Encounter section.

A marble is simply a human marble found and kept. It doesn't particularly do much, but it sure does look pretty.

Hats, while not something made by mink, are occassionally found in various forms that are of a size that a mink may wear one. Perhaps it came from a lost doll.

A Mirror is useful in a dungeon environment for many reasons; for instance, it is the only way to look at a Medusa without being turned to stone. Mirrors are also useful for looking around corners, and can be used outdoors to send signals using reflected sunlight. It is likely a shard of mirror left by the humans.

A Quiver is an open container used to hold arrows. A Bolt Case is a similar sort of container for crossbow bolts. In either case, the standard capacity is 20 missiles. The length of a quiver or bolt case must match the length of the ammunition for it to be useful; therefore, there are longbow and shortbow quivers and light and heavy crossbow bolt cases. The price is the same for all types.

Standard Rations for mink are typically bits of meat wrapped in leaves for safekeeping. These will generally only keep for a few days in all but the coldest or driest climates (up to 1 week).

Thieves’ Picks and Tools are required for the use of Thief abilities such as opening locks and removing traps. These abilities may not be usable without appropriate tools, or may be used at a penalty at the option of the Game Master.

A spellbook in this setting is likely a strange mix of thin pieces of bark, leaf, and paper left by humans bound together in whatever way could be most feasible.

Similarly, paper in this case is anything that is capable of being written on. Often leaves and bark, and occassionally scraps of paper trash left by humans.