parent nodes: All Spells

Animate Objects

Range: 100’+10’/level

Cleric 6

Duration: 1 round/level

This spell allows the caster to animate objects that are normally inanimate, such that they may move and even appear to be alive. Objects to be animated may not be in the possession (worn or carried) of any creature, and must be non-magical in nature. The caster can animate one object per level, up to a maximum of 25 lbs. per caster level (i.e. 300 lbs. at 12th level, 325 lbs. at 13th level, and so on).

Such objects are normally used to attack the enemies of the caster, and the GM must rule on their effectiveness in combat. In general, animated objects attack using the same attack bonus as the caster. Small or lightweight objects do no more than 1d4 damage per hit, while larger and/or heavier objects do 1d6 or 1d8 (at the GM’s discretion). As a special case, weapons which are animated do damage using the normal die roll for the type, but only up to a maximum 1d8. Animated objects have a movement rate of 10’, and generally must move in contact with the ground (walking, hopping, slithering, or bouncing, however seems most appropriate to the GM).