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Acquisition of Spells

Clerics have an obvious advantage over Magic-Users, in that, in theory, they have access to any spell of any level which they can cast. However, note that Clerics are limited in their spell selection based on their deity, faith or ethos; for instance, a Cleric of the goddess of healing should not be surprised that their deity refuses to grant reversed healing spells. If a Cleric prays for a spell that is not allowed, the Game Master may choose to grant the character a different spell, or optionally (if the deity is angered) no spell at all for that “slot.”

Magic-Users begin play knowing two spells, read magic plus one other (unless the GM grants more starting spells). Each time the character gains a level, they gain the ability to cast more spells; in addition, every other level the Magic-User gains access to the next higher level spells (until all levels are available). However, gaining the ability to cast these spells does not necessarily mean the Magic-User instantly learns new spells.

Magic-Users may learn spells by being taught by another Magic-User, or by studying another Magic- User’s spellbook. If being taught, a spell can be learned in a single day; researching another Magic-User’s spellbook takes one day per spell level. In either case, the spell learned must be transcribed into the Magic- User’s own spellbook, at a cost of 500 gp per spell level transcribed.

A Magic-User may add a new spell of any level they may cast at any point; however, spells of higher levels may not be learned or added to the Magic-User’s spellbook. The Magic-User must find a teacher or acquire a reference work (such as another Magic-User’s spellbook) in order to learn new spells, and the cost of such is in addition to the costs given above. Often a Magic-User will maintain a relationship with their original master, who will teach the character new spells either for free or in return for services. Sometimes two Magic-Users will agree to exchange known spells. In many cases the only option available to a Magic-User will be to pay another Magic-User (often an NPC) anywhere from 100 gp to 1000 gp per spell level in return for such training.

Magic-Users may also create entirely new spells (or alter existing spells); see the Magic Research rules, below, for details.