parent nodes: All Spells | Charm Person | Magic Items

Charm Person

Range: 30’

Magic User 1

Duration: special

This spell causes a humanoid (including all character races as well as creatures such as orcs, goblins, gnolls, and so on) of 4 hit dice or less to perceive the caster as a close friend, love interest, or at the very least as its trusted ally. Normal characters (PC or NPC) may be affected regardless of level of ability.

A save vs. Spells will negate the effect. If hostilities have already commenced or the target otherwise feels threatened by the caster, it receives a bonus of +5 on its saving throw.

The caster does not directly control the target; rather, orders must be given verbally, in writing, or by means of gestures. Obviously, verbal orders will only work if the target and caster share a spoken language, and the same limitation applies to written orders. Also note that the exact perception of the caster by the affected individual is not under the control of the caster; the GM should decide how the subject of this spell perceives its relationship to the caster.

The target receives a new saving throw each day if it has an Intelligence of 13 or greater, every week if its Intelligence is 9-12, or every month if its Intelligence is 8 or less; the GM must rule on the equivalent intelligence of humanoid monsters.